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Re: Vietneamse movies (from my perspective)

:> TMT: Nhu+ng phim cu?a o^ng co' phong ca'ch dda(.c bie^.t
:> ma` to^i chu+a tha^'y o+? ai kha'c\. Phim cu?a o^ng co' ca'i gi` ddo'
:> cu+' man ma'c, ra^'t kho' gia?i thi'ch\.

To^i vu+`a cho+.t nho+' ra, mo^.t so^' truye^.n nga('n cu?a Pautovxkii
cu~ng ga^y cho to^i ca?m gia'c man ma'c\. Co' ba'c na`o thi'ch truye^.n
cu?a Pautovxkii kho^ng ?

> Talking about Indian movies, remember that other than these
> tearful cinemas (which were made in Bombay, a la Hongkong style),
> some real good ones with completely different styles were also made.
> I strongly recommend all of you to watch "Salaam Bombay", a 1988
> movie which won some prize in Cannes festival later on. It's about
> homeless children, and played by real homeless children in Bombay
> (the director just picked them up in the street, and taught them
> how to look into camera!). I nearly cried during the movie, since
> it made me think back to some of my poignant childhood memories
> that I experienced in Vietnam. Watch it, and you will see that India
> is not much different from Vietnam, not at all!!!

To^i kho^ng thi'ch phim A^'n  la('m. Ha^`u nhu+ phim na`o cu~ng ke^'t
thu'c co' ha^.u\. Co`n con ngu+o+`i la` co`n la('m chuye^.n, cu+' che^'t
la` he^'t, kho?i ra('c ro^'i\. Thie^n ta`i nhu+ Nguye^~n Du cu~ng kho^ng
cu+'u ddu+o+.c ddoa.n DDoa`n vie^n, hi`nh nhu+ Hoa`i Thanh no'i va^.y\.
Phim nga`y nay hay co' kie^?u ke^'t thu'c lu+?ng lo+ con ca' va`ng
dde^? co`n la`m ta^.p 2, ta^.p 3 ke^' tie^'p.

> > Hey, perhaps we should talk about VNese films at the time as well; they 
> > drawed huge crowd during the 80s, not like now. Remember "Va'n ba`i la^.t 
> > ngu+?a", "Tu+. thu' tru+o+'c bi`nh minh", "Vu. a'n vie^n dda.n la.c",
> > "Xa Ha` no^.i", "Co' mo^.t ba`i ca kho^ng bao gio+` que^n", "La`ng Vu~ 
> > DDa.i nga`y a^'y", etc? :-)
> IMO, they were popular since there was nothing else to watch. Movies
> like "Biet dong Sai gon" are stupid (no flames please!) I think the
> best well-known Vietnamese movies were "Sao thang 8", "Vi tuyen 17 ngay 
> va dem", "Canh dong hoang" (or something like that which won the Moscow 
> film festival in 80-81), "Bao gio cho den thang muoi" (according to my
> mother, lots of people swept after the movies, those who lost
> some family members in the war). "Van bai lat ngua" also used to be
> a good spy movies with the popular and handsome Nguyen Thanh Luan,
> and other good-looking actresses (Thanh Lan, and others). "Lang Vu dai

To^i kho^ng thi'ch Thanh Lan la('m. Co^ na`y ddo'ng nhu+ ddo'ng ki.ch\.
Trong "Van bai lat ngua", ma^'y ta^.p dda^`u la` co^ kha'c ddo'ng, to^i
que^n ma^'t te^n.

Phim VN thuo^.c  loa.i "classic" pha?i ke^? dde^'n "Chim va`nh khuye^n",
"Chung 1 do`ng so^ng", "Vi~ tuye^'n 17 nga`y va` dde^m", ...  Ho^`i ddo' 
Tra` Giang ddo'ng ra^'t no^?i tie^'ng. Phim cu?a DDa(.ng Nha^.t Minh 
("Thi. xa~ trong ta^`m tay", "Bao gio+` cho dde^'n tha'ng 10") thi`
co' chie^u la. ddo^'i vo+'i ddie^.n a?nh VN la` qua' khu+', hie^.n ta.i,
thu+.c, a?o ddan chie^'u va`o nhau\. Hi`nh nhu+ lu'c ddo' ca'i chie^u na`y cu~ng
thi.nh o+? Nga\. Phim "Ca'nh ddo^`ng hoang" ddu+o+.c gia?i Lie^n
hoan phim ta.i Matxcova, nhu+ng to^i kho^ng ca?m tha^'y co' nghe^. 
thua^.t cao (co' ky~ thua^.t tho^i).
La^u ro^`i kho^ng ddu+o+.c xem phim VN, kho^ng ro~ no' ra sao\. Nhu+ng
ma^'y la^`n to^i ve^` VN thi` tha^'y toa`n phim do+?\.

> BTW, what was the first Vietnamese movie with a sex scene? I think it's
> a big thing in a country like ours where censorship is a king; just
> think what a big headline it made when the Russians made "Little Vera";

Ho^`i to^i o+? Nga co' xem phim na`y, nhu+ng co' chi dda^u ma` co'
the^? go.i la` sex. Phim na`y chi? la` bo^. phim dda^`u tie^n no'i
ve^` prostition o+? Nga, ma` tru+o+'c ddo' prostitution ddu+o+.c coi
la` kho^ng co' o+? Nga (hi`nh nhu+ o+? Lie^n Xo^, prostitution la`
criminal thi` pha?i). 

Tra^`n Minh Tie^'n