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Re: Xa Lo^. Tru*o*`ng So*n
From: Hong Lam Vu <vuh000@goofy.zdv.Uni-Mainz.de>
> Ca'c ba'c o+i, thi` nha` nuo+'c ddi.nh la`m tu+`ng buo+'c dda^'y chu+'.
> Chuo+ng thi`nh la` tie^u 5,5 ty? ddo^ tu+` nay dde^'n na(m 2010, co`n
> trong giai doa.n 1996-2000 du+. ddi.nh dda^`u tu+ dda^u nhu+ 1,2 ty? thi`
> pha?i. Nhu+ the^' cu~ng dda^u co' gi` qu'a lo+'n.
Everything's relative :) What percentage of the national budget
is $US 1.2B? Has anybody in the government calculated the ROI
(return on investment) of that money and how long it will take
to "break even"? And I'm very curious to know how this $5.5B
figure was arrived at in the first place. Does anybody know?