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Re: More Beatles trivia
Hi Thanh!
> > Trong nho'm Beatles co' ai thua^.n tay tra'i?
> Paul of course. BTW, Jimi Hendrix, the legendary rock guitarist, was also
> left-handed. Other than that, thanks to the recommendation of Paul,
> Jimi had a chance to play his American debut at the Monterey Pop Festival
> in 1967. It was in fact his first major act on the American soil, which
> also gave a big boost to his short, but spectacular career in the late 60's.
To^i bie^'t ngay la` ca'c ba'c se~ nhao nhao tra? lo+`i la` Paul thua^.n tay
tra'i. Ta^'t nhie^n la` ddu'ng ro^`i nhu+ng chu+a ddu?. Ringo cu~ng thua^.n
tay tra'i. Ca^u ho?i na`y to^i nghe trong mo^.t Beatles Quiz tre^n dda`i
ho^`i o+? be^n Hung.
> Here are my trivia questions about the masterpiece "Sgt. Pepper's":
> 1. Who can be seen on the cover art of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts
> Club Band"? (I remember seeing Albert Einstein for sure)
Mo^.t ddo^'ng prominent people, to^i cu~ng chi? nho+' M. Monroe, Kennedy ..
va` ta^'t nhie^n la` nho'm Beatles (;))
> 2. Why "Lucy in The Sky with Diamonds" was banned from playing on public
> radio in some places?
Lucy in The Sky with Diamonds --> LSD. Ho^`i ddo' nhie^`u ngu+o+`i nghi~
John sa'ng ta'c ba`i na`y duo+'o+'i anh hu+o+?ng cu?a thuo^'c phie^.n.
> 3. Who was the famous singer who took "With a Little Help from My Friends"
> to number one in England? **
Cha('c la` J. Cooker?
> 4. Who is Mr. Kite in "Being for The Benefit of Mr. Kite"? ***
Chi.u! Ba'c dde^? to^i ho^m nay ve^` tra la.i ma^'y quye^?n sa'ch tie^'ng
Hung ve^` Beatles ma` 8,9 na(m nay toi chu+a ddo.c la.i. Ma` kho^ng hie^?u
co' ti`m la.i ddu+o+.c ma^'y quye^?n sa'ch na\y kho^ng nu+~a chu+'.