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[Help, Urgent] Housing in Washington DC.
Dear Bac' Toa`n, Ba'c Ho^. and everybody,
A friend of mine, who is doing his PhD in Grenoble, France will come to
Washington DC for some training this summer (June 02 - Sept 30). He will
need some place to stay during this period. It would be great if you
could give him some advice or recommendation on this matter.
Bellow is his request. Your can response to me or to him directely.
Thank you very much in advance.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 10:56:11 +0000
From: Anhtuan Nguyen <nguyen@iepe.upmf-grenoble.fr>
Subject: Re: Tim nha o Washington DC.
Hi, Thanh
Nhu hom truoc da co noi chuyen voi Thanh, Toi hom nay da nhan duoc giay to
de chuan bi di sang Washington DC, theo chuong trinh thi se phai di sang
do vao ngay 02/ june 1997. Toi se lam viec o The World Bank. Hien nay dang
can tim gap nha o ben do ma thay gia thue nha ben do co ve dat qua. Nhu
hom truoc Thanh noi thi co biet may nguoi tham gia VNSA-l o vung do, vay
nho Thanh hoi gap ho toi xem lieu co the thue nha duoc khong? hoac chung
co thong tin gi duoc thi nho chung giup duoc khong? The World Bank co dua
cho toi mot housing list de contact nhung nguoi cho thue, nhung gia o do
toi thay kha cao (500 $ not including utilities, 700-900 $ including
utilities). Theo Thanh thi nhu vay co dat qua khong? Thoi gian thue de o
se la from 02 june to 30 september.