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Cha`o ca'c ba'c,

Co' ba'c na`o o+? DC giu'p tho^ng tin cho John DeVillier ca'i ddi.a chi?
na`y vo+'i. 

Xin ca'm o+n

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Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 19:58:32 -0700
From: John DeVillier <JOHN.DEVILLIER@worldnet.att.net>
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Subject: Comments to HANOINET!
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I would like to have the address of the Vietnamese Embassy where I can
apply for a VISA to visit Vietnam. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada U.S.A.
My name and home address:  John DeVillier, 2528 Tumble Brook Drive, Las
Vegas, Nevada 89134;  Email address   JOHN.DEVILLIER@worldnet.att.net

