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RE: Anh BuuLong's opinion (was: Children of nobody)

Dear Wayne,

I am offering US$100. How can I send the money? Shall we send
under the VNSA name?

Cheers. Ca.

At  8:35 PM 97.5.24 -0500, Wayne wrote:
>Hi DQ,
>I know of some VNese kids who need medical help in VN. If I publictly
>indentify them and the cost on this forum, would we, the vnsa group,
>chip in to help? I will volunteer for US$200 (two hundreds) first....
>Any seconder??? Or should we just "chit chatting...?"
>>From:  Diem Quynh Nguyen[SMTP:diemquynhng@hotmail.com]
>>Sent:  Sunday, May 25, 1997 4:23 AM
>>To:    Multiple recipients of list
>>Subject:       Re: Anh BuuLong's opinion (was: Children of nobody)
>> Now, back to our issues.
>> I feel we defined the needs of VNese leukemia children!. 
>> Dear folks, what we do next? 
>> Or Just for fun or chit chat or what???????? or stop here.
>> Have nice weekend
>> DQ