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Re: vnsa members in europe

Cha`o anh Hung,
He^. tho^'ng gia'o du.c ca^'p dda.i ho.c o*? Pha'p ve^` ca'c nga`nh Khoa
ho.c co* ba?n theo to^i kho^ng kha'c nhau la`
ma^'y(Chimie,Physiqye,etc...).So* lu*o*.c nhu* sau(chi? xin no'i ve^` ca'c
Universite's) :

Sau khi co' tu' ta`i co' the^? va`o ho.c Universite qua ho^` so* (ha^`u
he^'t la` ddu*o*.c nha^.n).Hai na(m dda^`u ho.c dde^? la^'y ca'i Diplome
go.i la` DEUG (Diplome d'etudes universitaires generales).Ne^'u muo^'n
la`m Chimie ve^` sau,ca'c Universites se~ hu*o*'ng da^~n cu. the^? dde^?
cho.n ca'c cours phu` ho*.p.

Ne^'u co' DEUG ba.n ddu*o*.c phe'p no^.p ho^` so* va`o ho.c na(m thu*' 3
dde^? la^'y diplome go.i la` Licence.Ta^'t nhie^n khoa ba.n muo^'n ho.c
pha?i tu*o*ng ddo^'i thi'ch u*'ng vo*'i nhu*~ng gi` dda~ ho.c.

Khi co' Licence co' the^? ho.c tie^'p(na(m thu*' 4) dde^? la`m Maitrise.

Ngu*o*`i ta go.i na(m thu*' nha^'t va` na(m thu*' hai la` Premier
cycle,Licence va` Maitrise na(`m trong Deuxieme Cycle.Co' nghi~a la` ne^'u
co' Maitrise ba.n co' the^? dda(ng ky' va`o ho.c Troisieme Cycle.Ma` na(m
dda^`u cu?a Troisieme Cycle mu.c ddi'ch la` ca'i DEA (Diplome d'etudes

Co' the^? coi DEA la` na(m dda^`u cu?a Doctorat trong tru*o*`ng ho*.p
tha`nh co^ng DEA va` ddu*o*.c cha^'p nha^.n la`m These.Tho*`i gian la`m
these ke'o da`i 2 dde^' 4 na(m (trung bi`nh la` 3).Nhu* va^.y la` khi ddo'
ba.n dda~ ho.c xong Troisieme Cycle va` tro*? tha`nh Docteur,ho.c vi.
ca^`n thie^'t dde^? la`m Recheche.

Tre^n la` so* lu*o*.c ve^` Diplomes cu?a ca'c Universites,nhu*ng ta.i
Pha'p ho. coi tro.ng Ingenieurs vi` the^' ca'c tru*o*`ng dda`o ta.o Ecoles
d'Ingenieur ra^'t ddu*o*.c coi tro.ng vi` cha^'t lu*o*.ng to^'t va`
ddu*o*.c go.i la` Grandes Ecoles.Ne^'u anh ca^`n nhu*~ng tho^ng tin ve^`
he^. tho^'ng Grandes Ecoles please e-mail me

Hy vo.ng mo^.t so^' ddie^`u tre^n dda'p u*'ng ddu*o*.c ca^u ho?i cu?a anh.

A bientot.


On Sun, 25 May 1997, Hung La wrote:

> Hi!
> I am looking for information with respect to the degree systems in 
> Romania and France especially in Chemistry.  Please details the 
> present degree systems in these two countries and the older system 
> (say 10, 15 years ago) where applicable.
> Thanks
> Hung La