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[HELP] Taking TV series on tapes
On Tue, 27 May 1997, Thanh Dang Nguyen wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Just want to remind all of you who live in the US that "Vietnam: A
> Television History" series had begun yesterday May 26 on the PBS.
> Check your local listings for the exact time of the show. Don't miss it!
> -Thanh
Hi all,
Co' pha?i la` series "Vietnam Thie^n Su+? Truye^`n Hi`nh" dda~ tu+`ng
ddu+o+.c chie^'u tre^n dda`i Truye^`n Hi`nh TpHCM nhu+~ng na(m 80 kho^ng
To^i so^'ng o+? Hoa`Lan ne^n kho^ng ddo'n xem series no'i tre^n ddu+o+.c.
Co' ba'c na`o o+? US co' the^? vui lo`ng thu video series a^'y va` go+?i
sang cho to^i ddu+o+.c kho^ng? Xin ca?m o+n tru+o+'c ra^'t nhie^`u.
To^i cam ddoan se~ hoa`n la.i toa`n bo^. mo.i phi' to^?n (mua tapes, postal,
Tha^n, Nguye^~n Bu+?u Long.