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RE: Co_ng ba(`ng: Fact and Opinion.
VIETGAS@bdvn.vnmail.vnd.net wrote
> Cha`o ca'c anh chi. ddang tranh lua^.n ve^` va^'n dde^` "Co^ng Ba(`ng",
> To^i la` mo^.t ho.c sinh cu?a Pre-Departure Traning Program cu?a ho.c bo^?ng
> U'c (ddang ho.c English ta.i Thanh xua^n va` se~ ddi U'c dda^`u na(m 1998).
> Nha^n tha^'y ca'c anh chi. tranh lua^.n ve^` va^'n dde^` co^ng ba(`ng trong
> vie^.c ddi du ho.c nu*o*'c ngoa`i, to^i xin tri'ch mo^.t pha^`n buo^?i
> discussion trong lo*'p to^i ho^m nay dde^? ca'c anh chi. tham kha?o.
> (T - Gia'o vie^n ngu*o*`i U'c, S - sinh vie^n Vie^.t nam)
> T: What is the most serious problem now in Vietnam? Poverty?
> S: Yes.
> T: What is the purpose of the Australian Aid program?
> S: To help Vietnam improve its economy and eliminate poverty.
> T: Where are in Vietnam the poorest areas?
> S: Central provinces and highland areas.
> T: Do you know that 40% of students in this course is from Hanoi, 30% from
> HCMC, 20% from other cities and only 10% from provinces?
Cha`o ba'c Giang
Ho^`i to^i ddi (1966 tu+` mie^`n Nam) thi` ti? so^' khoa?ng
90% Saigon, 10% other cities, 0% countryside. Va^.y la` co'
tie^'n bo^. dda^'y cho+'!
> Ca^u ho?i cuo^'i cu`ng ddo' co' le~ kho^ng chi? cho chu'ng to^i. Sau ddo'
> tha^`y gia'o dda~ ddi.nh nghi~a International Aid nhu* sau: "International
> Aid is a system whereby money is taken from poor people in rich countries
> and given to rich people in poor countries".
Kie^?u no'i cu+o+`ng die^.u nhu+ng cu~ng co' 1 pha^`n na`o
su+. tha^.t.
Ne^'u ma` VN kho^ng co' ca'ch bie^.t giu+~a que^ va` tha`nh thi.
thi` dda^u ca^`n ho.c bo^?ng cu?a ai nu+~a!
> Mong la` va`i do`ng tre^n se~ cung ca^'p the^m tho^ng tin cho cuo^.c tranh
> lua^.n cu?a ca'c anh chi. Chu'c ca'c anh chi. ma.nh gio?i.
> Cha`o tha^n a'i,
> Le^ Ho^`ng Giang
Thank you Giang for your information.
Tuan Pham