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Re: [TT 24/7] Mu+u sinh cu`ng tha^`n che^'t!

Hi all

To^i xin ddu+'ng ra dda^y ba?o ve^. anh Tie^'n mo^.t chu't.
Tuy lo+`i le~ anh Tie^'n ho+i qua' qua('t, va` anh Tie^'n co'
lo^~i trong vie^.c kho^ng dde^? y' ba` Ladinsky la` ba` na`o,
nhu+ng nhu+~ng ddie^`u anh Tie^'n ne^n le^n kho^ng pha?i
la` kho^ng co' co+ so+?.

With all due repspect and admiration 
to Dr. Ladinsky for what she did for Vnese students, 
I must say that her messages on the issue offend me (and I think
I'm not the only one offended here). She's no God to impose
her viewpoints on us in a old command style, like a "chu' su+'".
The difference is that no chu' su+' ever told anyone here to shut
up on Agent Orange issue. She didn't give any plausible 
explanation on why we shut up. She promised to give
explanations privately, but may I ask who of you got the
explanations from her? I did not.

Some one will say "too sentitive". So what? 
Will US expulse VNese students for raising this problem, as
they did with the students who protested the VN war? Certainly
Will it harm US-VN relations? I definitely don't think so, unless
some one can give a disproof. 

To recall that the official VNese side never shuted up. Just look
at very recent newpapers articles from VN on the issue. 

I think some Americans prefer us to silence down, just because of
hypocrisy. We can be very poor, but no
inferior spiritually to do whatever some of they say.

> De : van <van@rock.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp>
> To^i nghi" anh co' the^? no'i ve^- ba^'t ky- va^'n dde^- na-o kha'c,
> gio.ng va(n ba^'t ky-, nhu+ng khi anh vie^'t nhu+ va^.y ve^- ba- Ladinsky
> to^i buo^.c pha?i no'i la- anh ho+i xa^'c xu+o+.c (tuy to^i ca?m tha^'y
la- anh 
> uye^n ba'c trong nhie^-u chuye^.n kha'c la('m).

What is "xa^'c xu+o+.c" ? Mr. Tien just wrote what he thought, in a
democratic forum. He's no student of Mme Ladinsky.

> Khi anh ddi.nh vie^'t ve^- ai, nha^'t la- la.i vo+'i nhu+"ng lo+-i le"
> the^', anh ne^n ti-m hie^?u ky" tru+o+'c. Va? la.i trong ba-i vie^'t cua?
> ba- Ladinsky dda" cha(?ng ba?o ai muo^'n bie^'t ly' do ba- khuye^n ne^n
> tho+-i hold up (chu+' kho^ng pha?i la- shut up, ca'c vi. gio?i tie^'ng
> qua' dda^'y) the Orange Agent Issue thi- ha"y lie^n la.c tru+.c tie^'p
vo+'i ba- 
> a^'y la- gi-?. Tha^.m chi' ba- cha? dda" ghi ro" ddi.a chi? la- tu+- "US 
> Committee for Scientific Cooperation with Vietnam" la- gi-?
I already commented on this above.
> De^" hie^?u la- ta.i sao ba- Ladinsky bie^'t va- tha^n quen vo+'i VNSA
va- co' 
> mo^.t gio.ng va(n cha^n ti-nh vo+'i VNSA nhu+ va^.y. Ngoa-i ra, i't
nha^'t vo+'i 
> tu+ ca'ch la- mo^.t nha- gia'o, mo^.t ngu+o+-i lo+'n tuo^?i, hie^?u
bie^'t va^'n 
> dde^- ho+n, ba- Ladinsky hoa-n toa-n co' quye^-n khuye^n chu'ng ta,
> ngu+o+-i chi? dda'ng tuo^?i em hoa(.c tha^.m chi' con, nhu+ va^.y. Va^'n
> Orange Agent cha? dda" va- ddang bi. (ddu+o+.c) held up ha-ng bao na(m
nay la- 
> gi-, co' phai? ba^y gio+- ngu+o+-i ta mo+'i bie^'t dda^u. Tie^'p tu.c
hold up 
> mo^.t tho+-i gian nu+"a ddo+.i khi na-o co' dde-n xanh (to^i cha('c la-
> cha(?ng la^u nu+"a) ro^-i ha"y ba-n, ha"y nghie^n cu+'u, ha"y chu+?i
bo+'i, thi- 
> cu"ng co' sao dda^u, to^i chi? so+. VNSA kho^ng co' su+'c tho^i. Ngu+o+-i
> mi-nh vo^'n chi? gio?i ba-n tho^i ma-, la-m dda" co' ra ca'i gi- dda^u.
Co' anh 
> chi. na-o o+? VNSA da'm ve^- VN, ddi thu+.c ddi.a, tru+.c tie^'p ddo^'i
> vo+'i Orange Agent kho^ng.?

Dde`n xanh tu+` dda^u? Phia' VN co' ca^'m no'i ddie^`u na`y bao gio+`
dda^u. Sao la.i co' tu+ tu+o+?ng no^ le^. the^'? Anh tu+o+?ng tre^n 
VNSA toa`n bo.n he`n ma.t chi? bie^'t no'i kho^ng gia'm la`m gi` hay sao?
