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Stanford's HighWire Press; an update
I thought this might be of interest to some.
This is really cool !
Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information
7 July 1997
To: ARL Colleagues
From: Mike Keller, University Librarian, etc., Stanford
University Re: Update on HighWire Press
Since the last time I sent an e-mail message
concerning the work of HighWire Press in co- publishing
Internet editions of high impact STM journals, there has
been some notable progress. Now seems as good a time as
any to report to you on that progress. Please do not
hesitate to distribute this message as you see fit. I
would be happy to take questions, comments, and advice.
All titles cited below can be reached through:
Four of the ten most cited journals in STM are now
Journal of Biological Chemistry
(full texts from 6 January 1995 available;
institutional subscription available)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
(full texts from 12 November 1996 available;
personal and institutional subscriptions
available beginning in early 1998))
Science Magazine
(selective full texts and summaries from 30 June
1995, full texts from 20 September 1996
available; personal subscriptions available &
institutional subscription to be announced)
(summaries only: January 1974 - December 1995; full
texts from January 1996 - present; personal
subscriptions available)
Other high impact journals now available are:
Journal of Neuroscience
(full texts from 1 May 1996; personal and
institutional subscriptions available in early
Journal of Clinical Investigation
(full texts from 1 July 1995)
Journal Watch of the New England Journal of Medicine
(abstracts from 17 July 1987; document delivery available)
Journal Watch: Cardiology of the New England Journal of
(abstracts from 1 January 1995; document delivery
(full texts from January 1997 available)
Journal of Experimental Medicine
(full texts from 15 December 1996 available)
Journal of Applied Physiology
(full texts from October 1996 available)
(summaries only: April 1994 - December 1995; full
texts from January 1996 available; personal
subscriptions available)
(summaries only: January 1988 - December 1995; full
text January 1996 - present available; personal
subscriptions available)
Journal of Nutrition
(full texts from January 1997 available)
Journal of Cell Biology
(full texts from 13 January 1997 available)
Within the next few months the following titles will appear
in Internet editions through HighWire Press:
Journal of General Physiology (Society of General
The EMBO Journal (The European Molecular
Biology Organization and Oxford University Press)
Genome Research (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press)
Genes & Development (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press)
American Journal of Physiology (American Physiological
AJP: Cell Physiology
AJP: Endocrinology and Metabolism
AJP: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
AJP: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
AJP: Heart and Circulatory Physiology
AJP: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative
AJP: Renal Physiology
Advances in Physiology Education
Blood (American Society of Hematology)
There are numerous other titles with Internet editions in
the design and development stages with HighWire Press:
Annual Reviews
Biomedical Series: Biochemistry, Biophysics and
Biomolecular Structure, Cell and
Developmental Biology, Ecology and Systematics,
Entomology, Genetics, Immunology, Medicine,
Microbiology, Neuroscience, Nutrition,
Pharmacology and Toxicology, Physiology,
Phytopathology, Plant Physiology and Plant
Molecular Biology, Public Health.
Physical Sciences Series: Astronomy and Astrophysics,
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Energy and the
Environment, Fluid Mechanics, Materials Science,
Nuclear and Particle Science, Physical Chemistry.
Social Sciences Series: Anthropology, Political
Science, Psychology, Sociology.
Drug Metabolism and Disposition (American Society for
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics)
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (The
and Experimental Therapeutics)
Pharmacological Reviews (American Society for Pharmacology
and Experimental Therapeutics)
Physiological Reviews (American Physiological Society)
Review of Modern Physics (American {Physical Society)
Another 20 additional STM journal publishers are discussing
with HighWire prospects for Internet editions of their
1. Pediatrics includes articles in the Internet edition
which are represented in the printed journal only by
2. Science Magazine provides "Enhanced Perspectives" with
"hypernotes" added to the author's own footnotes linking
readers to general and specific web-sites deemed by
librarians at Stanford to be of sufficient relevance and
quality to be "recommended reading." Beyond the Printed
3. Science Magazine includes an Author Index. For the last
issue of every volume, Science compiles an index of
authors. These indexes are available online as pdf files.
4. Science Magazine encourages Discussion Groups. For
select Policy Forums, Science hosts online discussions with
the editor and author.
5. Science Magazine has recently
begun Tech.Sight. This new section provides insight from
members of the scientific community on emerging techniques
and technologies.
6. Cross-journal linking from footnotes to full texts of
cited articles are provided currently on a "toll-free"
basis. For an example, try linking from footnote 11 in the
Mustaev et al. article in PNAS vol. 94, pp. Pp. 6641-6645,
June 1997 to the Severinov et al. article in the Journal of
Biological Chemistry vol. 270, pp. 23926-23929. These
links will become more common as more articles are
available in Internet editions. Thanks to agreements from
many of the publishers associated with HighWire, these
links are now "toll free."
7. Cross-journal searching has also begun. Try a search
in the Journal of Biological Chemistry on the term
"polymerase"; you will note that on the screen of results
there is also an opportunity to broaden the search to seven
other journals. This function will be enhanced and the
number of journals covered increased during the next
8. Numerous "information navigation" aids have been added
over the past months, but these are too numerous to
mention. I recommend that you look carefully at the pages
at various levels in the Journal of Biological Chemistry to
see how we are trying to exploit web-based technologies to
improve scholarly communication.
9. All of the titles brought to the Internet with
HighWire's assistance are presented in html format with
numerous linking functions to meta-data resources (Medline
and others), internal and external navigation links,
searching and browsing functions, feedback mechanisms,
FAQs, technical help,
10. All original research articles offer pdf formatted
pages which can be viewed and printed with the free Adobe
Acrobat viewer. Convenient links from HighWire's pages
lead readers to the sites from which copies of the Acrobat
viewer can be down-loaded.
11. We have contracted with Digital Island, a global
Internet distribution network, to provide low latency and
guaranteed Internet band-width to numerous key nodes around
the world in order to get around the problem of network
saturation in certain time zones. The number of such key
nodes around the world will increase monthly and will top
30 by year's end according to Digital Island.
1. HighWire Press has entered into agreements with
Harrassowitz and Griffith University for each to act as
representatives for HighWire's co-publishing services in
Europe and Australia.
* Only a few of these Internet editions are based
on subscriptions at the present time, though most will
change from a free access basis to a subscription model in
the next few months.
* Some of you may have noticed more than fleeting
resemblance to HighWire's designs and functionality in the
Internet editions of some publishers not associated with
HighWire. While we have mixed feelings about this, we take
comfort from such imitation as a form of flattery.
* Work is proceeding on the monograph publishing
project we are pursuing with our colleagues in the Stanford
University Press and with support from the Mellon
An important aspect of the work of HighWire Press
has been feedback from readers. Using that same principle,
I would be pleased to hear from any of you on the matters
mentioned in this message.
Have a happy summer!
Michael A. Keller
University Librarian;
Director of Academic Information Resources;
Publisher, HighWire press
Stanford University
245 Green Library
Stanford, CA 94305-6004
voice: 1-415-723-5553
fax: 1-415-725-4902
e-mail: makeller@sulmail.stanford.edu
--- End Forwarded Message ---
Michael A. Keller
University Librarian;
Director of Academic Information Resources;
Publisher, HighWire press
Stanford University
245 Green Library
Stanford, CA 94305-6004
voice: 1-415-723-5553
fax: 1-415-725-4902
e-mail: makeller@sulmail.stanford.edu