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[FROM ADMIN]Anh Ang Quang Tran has been removed from VNSA

On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Ang Quang Tran wrote:

> > Ba trie^.u ngu+o+`i dda~ che^'t trong cuo^.c chie^'n dde^? la.i ha`ng 
> > chu.c trie^.u ngu+o+`i ddau kho^? vi` cuo^.c chie^'n .  Sao ta kho^ng 
> > no'i  "Ne^'u la` ngu+o+`i to^i se~ so^'ng cho que^ hu+o+ng" co' 
> > pha?i la` hay ho+n kho^ng ?
> > 
> > Phan Thanh La^m

> Hoang Ho^ anh La^m!  Che^'t la` he^'t!  So^'ng dde^? ddem la.i ddo^.c
> la^.p cho que^ hu*o*ng co`n ho*n che^'t dde^? cho ma^'y tha(`ng VC nho^`i
> le^n dda^`u da^n chu'ng.  So^'ng, chu'ng ta co' nga`y ddem la.i nhie^`u
> to^'t dde.p cho que^ hu*o*ng va` cho gia ddi`nh va` con em chu'ng ta.
> A'ng

Dear Anh A'ng and other VNSA members,

The posting quoted above from anh A'ng seriously violates VNSA policy:

1) It contains words that are intentionally meant to be derogatory,
insulting, and inflammatory. Use of words like these, personal attacks,
character assasination, flames,... are considered SERIOUS violation of VNSA
policy and could qualify the violator for immediate expulsion from VNSA. 

2) It touches on sensitive political topics. VNSA policy states that NO 
could qualify for immediate expulsion from VNSA.

For these reasons, the VNSA admin board decided to remove Anh Ang Quang 
Tran from the VNSA subscriber list. This removal takes effect immediately.

We would also like to take this occasion to once more stress our 
determination to keep VNSA a high-quality discussion forum for the 
Vietnamese DHS/NCS and others. Teenage chitchats, hothead discussions,
and attempts to stir up sensitive political discussions WILL NOT BE
TOLERATED. We have a lot of subscribers from Vietnam, we have been able 
to do many useful and practical things to help our fellow Vietnamese
and our motherland. We have made great effort contributing to the 
healing process and bringing together our fellow Vietnamese from all over 
the globe. None of these can be achieved with hothead and insulting 
political discussions running amok on VNSA.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Sincerely, VNSA Admins.

Please note that this is an official request from the VNSA admins. VNSA
rules state that disregarding official requests from the admins is
considered a SERIOUS VIOLATION of VNSA policy and can qualify you for
immediate removal from VNSA. Therefore, please comply with the official
request. This request cannot be commented on in any form on VNSA by any
member. If a VNSA member thinks that this request was not made in
accordance with VNSA policy, he/she should send PRIVATE mails to the
admins detailing his/her complaints.