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Few words about Vietnam - ASEAN
Hi everybody,
When VN becomed a member of ASEAN (in 1995) almost Vietnameses
satisfied with this new (which is regarded as the triumf of VN-se
diplomacy and goverments!) Undoubly it was "big date", because first
step for economical integrations with all neighbours has been done.
However I am not sure that all (general) informations about our membership
in ASEAN were publiced (in Vietnamese Mass Medium). If it is true, then
it would be "trouble problem" after few years.
First, the benefits of beeing member of ASEAN, of course, are well-known
for Vietnamese people. It is easy to understand, because goverments prefer
discuss and explore it than present all other duties (obligations,
responsibilities) of beeing ASEAN member. Remind that if VN does not
reform quickly structure of economy, then after few years (in 2003 ?),
when the principle of free trade with ASEAN will oblige, many VN-se
enterprises, firms will go BANKRUPT!!! At this moment VN has too
many monopolists, which are state enterprises, and these state enterprises
act on very "priviled principles" (not on the principle of free market).
These enterprises will go bankrupt first. In my point of views the
actual subsides for these state monopolists, we can use to help the
development of small private sector. Everywhere in the world, the
sector of small firms is the locomotive for the economical development.
The problem likes a "membership" of ASEAN is our national problem.
All national problems must be regarded higher than problems of some
political groups. Vietnam today has more people with different political
points of views than yesterday - and it is very good !!!
The national problem requires an accept of nation. If our nation
(lacking informations) and our economy are not prepeared (without
structural reforms) to "economical integration" with our neighbours
(ASEAN), then we will lose more than get. (For example the deficit can
jump to 10 milliards $ and we will have more more unemployeds than other
members of ASEAN, etc.) It would be that after few years Vietnamese
will not satisfied of membership of ASEAN !
For me, it would be better if more ordynary Vietnameses understood that a
membership of any international group is like a "weapon (knight) two
edges". (We can get, but we can also lost!)
Vietnamese free market was created however it is still weak and without
reform a state sector and establish economical laws, VN has no chance to
catch up with other countries.
Conclusion: It is not true that every Vietnameses and VN-se firms will
have a benefit of economical integrations with ASEAN and
WORLD. Vietnam will have benefits if VN reforms quicly
and has a good plan (respecting principles of free market)
for economical developments. VN did a lot at the last 7 years
but it was only the "first step". Except structural reforms
(both economical and laws) done by goverment, VN has to invest
more and more in some "beneficial areas" of economy and
stop subsiding enterprises only for "ideological reasons".
[Va`o ASEAN kho^ng pha?i dde^? ngo^`i cho+i xo+i co^~!]
|Sonnet Nguyen, Tel. (48-22) 43-70-01 int 1313 |
Center for Serious Jokes