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Re: English and WWW question.

Hi ba'c Thanh,

Ca'i ddo^` nghe^` ba'c ddang ti`m la` Internet Explorer ddo+.t 4 cu?a
Microsoft, se~ chi'nh thu+'c ra thi. tru+o+`ng (mie^~n phi') va`o giu+~a
tha'ng ta'm na`y.

Vo+'i ca'i na`y, ba'c co' the^? lo^i ta^'t ca? no^.i dung cu?a mo^.t Web
site, ke^? ca? hi`nh a?nh, a^m thanh, v.v.. dde^? cho ca'i ho. go.i la`
<off-line browsing>. Ba'c co' the^? a^'n ddi.nh lu'c no' ddi lo^i ve^` cho
ba'c, nhu+ lu'c ba'c ddang ngu? cha(?ng ha.n.

Chu'c vui.


> From: Thanh C. Nguyen <ncthanh@csd.uwm.edu>

> I have a question as follow: Is there any tool out there which can
> automatically downloads a webpage together with all the documents that
> this page points to?