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Re: [VN-US Econ] Trade Pact Dead?!

Yeah! I feel sad when I read this morning news.

>Viet-U.S. trade pact appears to be dead
>Officials are mystified by Hanoi's about-face
>Mercury News Vietnam Bureau
>HANOI -- The landmark trade agreement between Vietnam and the United States
>is dead in the water, the Mercury News has learned, and nobody on the
>American side is precisely sure why.
>``We simply have no idea what's going on,'' said a source close to the
>negotiations. ``We all thought it was a `go.' Everybody is mystified, and
>frustrated. Now, who knows when it will be signed? Or even if it will be
>One U.S. official said American negotiators will ``absolutely not'' go back
>to the table if the Vietnamese want to reopen talks or ask for new
>The investment decline is not just from Western countries. Capital
>commitments from Japan, for example, were off 67.3 percent in the first six
>months of this year compared with the first half of 1998.

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