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RE: [HELP] Ca'ch test chuong tri`nh phan mem

Let me make it quick and having more sense. It might be easier for me to
explain this in English eventhough I'm not that good in this second language

1. You still haven't answered my question: Do I know you? :-)
2. I have never done any test job and I have no idea how Visual Test looks
like as well as its concept. Could somebody shed some light on this?
3. You probably misunderstood my points stated in my message the other day
so I try to explain this one more time when to test what. What I was trying
to say is that we'd better have 2 different approaches in 2 stages of a
software project from testing perspective (let's say we divide it into 2 big
steps where Code-Complete point is the border between the two). In the first
stage, as a quality assurance officer, it's your first priority to make sure
each feature meet certain quality criterias set forth. Finding bugs is your
job too but not that important. That way, your product will be more stable
in the end. You'd rather take a hit at the earlier stage than at the end,
especially in the big projects with hundreds or thousands features. That is
because code is changing so fast in this step and you'll waste your precious
resource testing every single feature in each and every build.

In the second stage, when your development team slows down changing code, it
is your time to test thoroughly each and every feature and this process
should be repeated more than once. Of course, after each test pass, you need
to raise the bar higher so that  code change is minimal and gradually
decrease to none. At this time, not all the bugs get fixed except those of
recall class (after 2nd or 3rd test pass). Well, we never want such a bug
but depending upon how severe the fix, your big team needs to decide
yourself whether to fix it or not. Your question "tat ca? la` "da'ng nghi "
:))" should only be placed at this point. You are the tester, you need to
make your call too. Quality of the product depends on you, not your
development team.
4. If you search VNSA archives, at some points, somebody already mentioned
such a tool used to manage your database available on the market for you to
buy. Why spending time on that? Go out and buy it. G'd luck.

Thank you
Huy Q. Nguyen

This is my own opinion. I don't speak for Microsoft.

-----Original Message-----
From: HueDT [mailto:huedt@mailandnews.com]
Sent: Tue, October 19, 1999 4:05 AM
To: vnsa@list-server.net
Subject: Re: [HELP] Ca'ch test chuong tri`nh phan mem

Cha`o "ba'c" Huy, "ba'c" Tuan va` cac ba'c,

-----Original Message-----
From: Huy Q Nguyen <huynq@MICROSOFT.COM>
To: 'vnsa@list-server.net' <vnsa@list-server.net>
Date: 17 October 1999 01:51 AM
Subject: RE: [HELP] Ca'ch test chuong tri`nh phan mem

Xem chu*`ng cac ba'c trai lap gia di`nh roi thi` a(n no'i than tro.ng qua'
nhi? ;))

Microsoft truoc day co' chuong tri`nh Visual Test, da^u nhu* bay gio*` thi`
mua luo^n cua Rational, ba'c co' thong tin gi` ve^` concept h/d cua SW na`y
kho^ng ?

Test va`i vo`ng nhu* vay ba^'t ke^? la` so^' feature pha?i test rat lo*'n
??? Ba'c co' the^? ba?o la` tuy` truong ho*.p ma` chi? test 1 so^' , nhu*ng
theo go'c nhi`n cua tester thi` tat ca? la` "da'ng nghi " :))

:)) Em mo*'i va`o nghe^`, muo^'n ru't nga('n tgian, VD nhu* nhu*~ng viec
lien quan den test nhu* la` sau mo^~i vo`ng pha?i la`m report to'm ta('t
la.i , ne^'u la`m 1 database ket ho*.p trong qua' tri`nh testing thi` den
luc ca^`n report chi? click la` xong, nhu*ng cu. the^? ca'i DB do' nhu the
na`o, la`m the na`o de tien lo*.i nha^'t trong khi du`ng thi` khong gi`
ba(`ng la` ho?i ca'c ba'c di truoc, phai khong a. ? Da^'y la` nhu*~ng gi` em
da~ biet, nhu*ng co`n nhieu ca'i ma` em chu*a biet ne^n cu~ng muon la` qua
ca'ch thuc hien cua nh~ ng` di truoc thi` rut ra kinh nghiem cho mi`nh.

Ca?m o*n ca'c ba'c nhie^`u