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Re: Farewell

Dear anh Ai Viet,
I was really sad to learn about your leaving. For me, I feel I have personally lost a friend - even we have never met - and for VNSA, we are losing an active member whose controversial contributions had helped create an intellectual and diverse environment that VNSA are famous for. 
Since subscribing to VNSA, I have been interesting in reading your messages in which you have shown a wealth of in-depth knowledge in different fields : literature, social-culture, science... , and from which I have learned a lot. I like your scientific attitude in debate : keep a cool head, get  to the point, and ignore personal attack. There have been fights over your "dda ta^`ng" method, but anyway I still like it. In my mind, you are a typical image of what we call " si~ phu ba('c ha`", and although we are from different political background (I am a boat people),  I respect your fairness when we talked about political issues such as Nam- Bac societies and so on...
Well, what else I can say to keep you stay? I know already that being too busy is just an excuse. Who else in this industrial world has the luxury of not being busy? I only wish you all the best, and hope our roads will cross someday.
Tha^n me^'n
  {{{{{     thanh dang
( @ @ )  TDang@erdman.com
  ! U !      thanhlan@mindspring.com
  ! ~ !      http://thanhlan.home.mindspring.com
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 22, 1999 5:27 PM
Subject: Farewell

                    FAREWELL TO  VNSA

Hi ca'c anh ca'c chi.,

    Cuo^.c vui na`o cu~ng co' lu'c pha?i ta`n. To^i
tham gia VNSA ho+n 3 na(m nay va` dda~ co' nhu+~ng
cuo^.c vui he^'t su+' na'o nhie^.t. Nay co' nhie^`u
vie^.c kha'c pha?i la`m  ma` thu+ dde^'n thi` tie^'c
la.i ddo.c la.i du`a gio+~n.  Thu+.c ra to^i dda~
ddi.nh chia tay vo+'i VNSA tu+` dda^`u he` va` dda~
no'i vo+'i Huy Duong ve^` y' ddi.nh na`y, nhu+ng co`n
nhie^`u duye^n no+. ne^n cu+' na^'n na' the^m. Chia
tay vo+'i VNSA to^i tha^'y tha^.t tie^'c, nhu+ng
thu+.c la` co' qua' nhie^`u vie^.c pha?i la`m ca^n
to+'i tho+`i gian. Tuy nhie^n to^i ra ddi vo+'i he^'t
su+'c vui ve? va` tie^'c ra(`ng kho^ng the6? o+? la^u
   Trong tho+`i gian qua to^i ddu`a gio+~n cu~ng co',
nghie^m chi?nh cu~ng co' (i't tho^i), co' the^? ga^y
mo^.t so^' hie^?u la^`m, anh chi. na`o co`n bu+.c
bo^.i thi` bo? qua' ddu+o+.c thi` bo?, kho^ng cu+'
vie^'t thu+ tha(?ng cho to^i ma` si? va? :-)).
   To^i co`n chu't no+. vo+'i VNSA vo+'i ca'c
thread.ddang do+? dang Anh chi. na`o muo^'n ho?i the^m
thi` cc cho to^i, to^i se~ co^' ga('ng tra? lo+`i.
Co`n mo^.t so^' ba`i dda~ hu+'a vie^'t  nhu+ Hoang
Tu+? be' va` chuye^.n nu+o+'c My~ to^i se~ ga('ng
hoa`n tha`nh va` nho+` admin chuye^?n.
   To^i mong kho^ng ai hie^?u la^`m chuye^.n ra ddi
cu?a to^i. (Co^' nhie^n hie^?u la^`m cu~ng kho^ng sao)
Anh Huy Du+o+ng va` Nguyen Van Tuan dde^`u  bie^'t
tru+o+'c du+. ddi.nh na`y. To^i chu'c anh chi. em
tie^'p tu.c tranh ca~i vui ve? tre^n VNSA. Tranh ca~i
theo to^i la` phu+o+ng tie^.n hay nha^'t dde^?  hi`nh
tha`nh mo^.t "ddi.nh che^' chung" dde^? hie^?u nhau
ho+n va` gia?i quye^'t nhu+~ng va^'n dde^` kha'c
bie^'t du` tru+o+'c hay sau cu~ng pha?i gia?i quye^'t.

   Chu'c anh chi. em vui, kho?e, tha`nh co^ng va`
pha't ta`i.  Ca'c ba.n dda~ quen muo^'n kie^'m to^i
co' the^? gu+?i thu+ rie^ng hoa(.c nho+` Anhai hoa(.c
Vu~ Ho^`ng La^m chuye^?n.

Tha^n me^'n




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