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Reuters: Vietnam party to hold plenum on economy early Nov

Vietnam party to hold plenum on economy early Nov 04:53 a.m.  Oct 26,
1999 Eastern

HANOI, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Vietnam's Communist Party leaders will hold a
key meeting early next month that will focus on the country's economy,
the Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday. 

Sources close to the party have already said the 170-member central
committee would discuss the country's financial woes and economic
integration at the plenum, but until now Hanoi had not made any public
comment about the meeting.  The sources have said the 10-day plenum
would start on November 2.

``The...plenum of the central
committee...will take place at the beginning of November 1999.  The
plenum will discuss economic issues,'' the Foreign Ministry said in a
statement that gave no further details. 

The plenum will take place at a critical time for Vietnam. 

Party and financial sources have said Vietnam's leaders were currently
debating the merits of joining the world economy after hesitating to
sign a landmark trade pact with the United States that was agreed in
principle last July. 

They have said the outcome of that debate -- which is expected to
surface at the plenum -- could have the most far-reaching consequences
for Vietnam since the country adopted economic reforms in 1986.  Whether
the U.S.  trade pact would be debated at the meeting was unclear. 

The trade deal would open Vietnam's economy but also give the country
access to the giant U.S.  market at the same preferential tariffs
accorded to most nations. 

Vietnam expects its economy to grow 4.7-5.0 percent this year from an
estimated 5.8 percent in 1998. 

Under Vietnam's political system the government is responsible for
day-to-day management of the country, but party members hold all key
posts and major decisions are approved by the elite politburo or central

All officials on the 19-member politburo sit on the central committee,
which generally holds a plenum around every six months.  Ultimate power
rests with the politburo. 


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