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Re: AP: U.S.-Taiwan Security Act Criticized

Ca'c ba'c,
Coi bo^. DDa?ng Co^.ng Hoa` My~ co' power o*? QH qua'! ma(.c du` DDa?ng Da^n 
Chu? co`n ca^`m quye^`n.
DDie^.u na`y DDa?ng Co^.ng Hoa` My~ tha('ng cu*? na(m to*'i kho^ng chu*`ng!
Na(m to*'i ma` TT My~ cu~ng thuo^.c dda?ng CH nu*~a thi` hie^.n nay gio^'ng 
nhu* tho*`i Carter (nay la` Bill Clinton). Thoa? u*o*'c ma^u di.ch VN-My~ 
(nhu* ky' ke^'t quan he^. ngoai.  giao tho*i Carter) ma` kho^ng ky' xong coi 
bo^. chuye^.n delay se~ kha' la^u!.....

"Tu*`ng ngo'n tay khe'p nhu* nu. hoa tra('ng
  DDe^? la.i ha`ng ca^y ngo* nga'c ddu*'ng sau lu*ng...
  Ro^`i chu'ng ta se~ co' la^`n ho^'i tie^'c....
  Co*' sao em (to'c blonde) cha(?ng ddu*'ng cho*` ?????"

From: Dao Van <daotb@yahoo.com>

>U.S.-Taiwan Security Act Criticized
>By JIM ABRAMS Associated Press Writer
>WASHINGTON (AP) -- A House committee moved Tuesday to expand U.S.-Taiwan
>security ties and send a clear message to China that the United States
>would respond to aggression against Taiwan.  The Clinton administration
>said the measure could worsen tensions across the Taiwan Strait.
>The ``Taiwan Security Enhancement Act,'' approved 32-6 by the
>International Relations Committee, would increase training operations
>and exchanges between the two militaries and establish lines of
>communications during crises.  It also states that it is in America's
>national interest to make clear that the United States will support
>Taiwan from outside coercion and force.
>The legislation was modified considerably from the original bill by Rep.
>Tom DeLay, R-Texas, which would have authorized the sale of specific
>weapons to Taiwan.
>But the Clinton administration still criticized the measure.
>``These types of changes can be
>particularly destabilizing given the current environment,'' Assistant
>Secretary of State Stanley Roth told reporters, saying it could
>ultimately undermine Taiwan's security.

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