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Effects of being ignored on the Internet

Hi ca'c ba'c

Ho^m nay chi'nh phu? U'c loan ba'o nh~ research project
ddu+o+.c ta`i tro+. (ARC grants). Co' dde^` ta`i na`y 
kha' vui, kho^ng bie^'t vnsa ta co' ai bi. ho^.i chu+'ng
na`y kho^ng!

Tuan Pham

Dr Kipling Williams - The University of New South Wales
Title: CyberOstracism: Effects of being ignored on the Internet

Internet use is growing exponentially, becoming a normal 
part of interpersonal interaction. Evidence, however, 
suggests that prolonged use of the Internet leads to 
depression and loneliness. A common complaint about 
Internet communication is the feeling of being ignored 
or ostracised. Targets of ostracism lose a sense of 
belonging, control, self-esteem and meaningful existence. 
This program of research investigates cyberostracism and 
its implications on users' self-concepts, behaviours, 
and physiological responses. Cyberostracism targets are 
expected to experience significant threats to self-concept, 
become easier to influence, and show potentially harmful 
physiological responses.