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Re: Traffic ProblemsRe: Mr. Sonnet

From: Sonnet Nguyen <sonnet@white.cft.edu.pl>

>Hi ba'c DX,
>Oh, sorry for so many grammar errors in the previous text.
>It's a problem for people those do not exercise spoken
>& written English everyday.
>On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, DiemQuynh Nguyen wrote:
> > ddo.c ba'c vie^'t tie^'ng Anh sai ve^` ca(n ba?n nhu* the^' na`y to^i 
> > hie^?u ba'c vie^'t gi` ca?!
> >                                    has gived
> >                                    ^^^^^^^^^
> > DX: DDo.c dde^'n dda^y to^i pha?i ngu*`ng va` go'p y' vo*'i ba'c vi` 
> > pha?i la` lo^~i typo , ne^n kho^ng bie^'t ba'c vie^'t co' nghie^m tu'c
> > kho^ng?.
>I do not see a tragedy here.  If I wrote wrongly "has gived",
>you can easily reinterprete it as "has given" or simply "gived".
>Do you have more serious questions to me, Mr DX ? :-)
O^`! to^i chi? gia? ddi.nh ne^'u ng` Vie^.t vie^'t vo*'i nhau ba(`ng tie^'ng 
VN thi` ddo.c nhanh ho*n va` hie^?u chi'nh xa'c ho*n. Du`ng ngoa.i ngu*~ ma` 
hai ngu*o*`i ddo^'i thoa.i cu`ng kho^ng chua^?n se~ de^~ ga^y hie^?u la^`m 
va` tranh lua^.n kho^ng ddu'ng cho^~ (y' to^i muo^'n no'i la` nhu*~ng nghi~a 
bo'ng ba^?y trong ca^u va(n).
To^i chi? co' go'p y' nho? va^.y tho^i ba'c a..

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