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A Vituperative VNSA

After a few weeks of contented dormancy, this forum is again
showing its vindictive mood. I wonder why do we have to act in
such a vengeful and vituperative manners?
   If we are so hateful of each other, why then we have to utter unkind
To exist is to exist with others and not alone. He who thinks he is always
is himself an isolated island.
   In this little VNSA world, if we fail to learn to swallow anger from time
to time,
if we fail to walk away from a provocation, then we fail to
communicate --which is
our sole purpose in joining this forum.
   One can be angry momentarily, but to perpetuate an anger is an emotional
   Sometimes, silence is the best way to articulate your view.
   Bella geri placuit nullos habitura triumphos --If brother against brother
there is no winner.