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A Conversation With Mr : Dda' Vi.t Nguyen

A Conversation With Mr. : Dda' Vi.t Nguyen

Your last sentence reads: "ps. I would not pursue this and other related
threads further."
   I wish I could honor your wish, but i could not.
   I read your mail and I determine to communicate with you. You may and may
not answer, but it's a duty of my conscience to write to you, to share with
you my reflection upon your thought.
   You write, and I quote "": I would say that Mr. Tuan Pham is respected
(by me and
many other DHSs) in some areas. (I like to think about myself as one of the
second DHS generation trying to establish ourself in the West, much alike
you guys did 20 years ago. We know how hard it is and we appreciate your
The only thing I cannot stand is his looking-down attitude towards almost
vietnamese who either live/work (got stuck, in OV's view) in Vietnam or who
has not yet absolved a decent education from the West. Amazingly enough,
myopic view has been maintained throughout his years communicating with
folks in VNSA."
   This is my reflection:
   You seem to be in awe of mister Tuan Pham (Australia). And that's a wrong
attitude. Pha.m Tua^'n, from what I understand and have learned about him,
is just one of us. Older than you and me, he is a 10-year-older generation.
But he is not old in the sense of social and intellectual participation. I
think --and this subject to Mr Tua^'n's verification--
he is a friend, or at least an acquataince of Mr Pha.m The^' DDi.nh, a write
of whom I know and respect
   Whereas I do not kow what you percieve of him, but to me, he does not
have a look-down attitude nor an aloft, intellectually snobbish attitude at
all. He may bitch, so to speak, but here in this forum we bitch all the
   He attitude --here, in this cyber spatial,  a verbal discourse at the
most-- is neither threatening nor inspiring any
awe in us. At least from my perspective. I'm 42 years old, and I think Mr
Tua^'n Pha.m is 46 to 48 years old.
   I said this, and arrived to this speculative information regarding Mr
Tua^'n, by my own perception. He chats well, intellectually loquacious at
times, but he is generally bearable than unbearable.
   To me he is reasonable; more reasonable and hornorable than a certain few
members whom I have interacted.
   Mr Tua^'n may not share my view about him--and I'm not certain about what
he may feel about me. But I said what
I feel. And to you, I so communicate this feeling. I feeling that is
inspired by your post.
   I may be wrong about Mr Tua^'n --ephemeral feeling is not too reliable as
it is proved to be.
   I may rub you a wrong way, but there was only one way to think from you
   And so I said.
   Truly Yours, I Am,

[Communication enclosed]
Subject: Re: A Vituperative VNSA

Dear Mister Gentilhomme - KP,

Thanks for your peace-keeping lecture. Theoretically, it's all correct and I
take them all to my heart. It's easy said but hard done. I did not feel easy
after I sent out that mail, but I thought to myself: someone must do
something, it's just not fair to Mr AiViet.
As you (very well) said:
">    ....Sometimes, silence is the best way to articulate your view."
Well it is exactly the exception where I find silence is good but just not
good enough. I would keep my mouth tightly shut if I see AnHai's mail

Talking about "hate": I would say that Mr. Tuan Pham is respected (by me and
many other DHSs) in some areas. (I like to think about myself as one of the
second DHS generation trying to establish ourself in the West, much alike
you guys did 20 years ago. We know how hard it is and we appreciate your
The only thing I cannot stand is his looking-down attitude towards almost
vietnamese who either live/work (got stuck, in OV's view) in Vietnam or who
has not yet absolved a decent education from the West. Amazingly enough,
myopic view has been maintained throughout his years communicating with
folks in VNSA.
(Perhaps that's part of the so-called "generation gap"?)
I wish someone could find a way to wake him up.
ps. I would not pursue this and other related threads further.