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RE: Hie^.p U*o*'c Ma^.u Di.ch (HUMD) Vie^.t My?

>> have to depend on independent Western analysis anyway and 
>> there has not been a single favourable opinion, though 
>> professional economists may know better.
>Do you have any Western analysis, or just pieace of news? I would 
>appreciate a lot if you could give me an ANALYSIS, though a western one.

Hi ba'c Tha.ch

No, I don't have any serious analysis of the treaty, nor
of much else, since it's not my field. If you as
an economist don't know of any, then there probably 
isn't any and it's not of sufficient interest to any 
Westerner. So therefore it's up to people like you
to provide one.

>> I suggest bac
>> Thach starts doing his own analysis for the benefit of vnsa.
>Thanks for your suggestion. But as you have suggested that NONE western 
>source favoured the Vietnamese (SRV) stand in the issue, you would do the 
>job much better than I can.
>Hope that we can read your ANALYSIS.

Hey - who's the economist around here ?

>Trong quan he^. vo+'i My~ VN la`m gi` co' 
>ca'i dde^? na^ng gia', ma*.c ca? dda^u. Ca'i VN ddo`i, chi? la` bi`nh 
>thu+o+`ng nhu+ ca'c nu+o+'c kha'c tho^i.

Please elaborate - you seem to know more about the draft than
I do. VN ddo`i nh~ gi` ma` My~ chu+a cho ?

I am an educator and an engineer - I am quite happy to 
shoot off about education and engineering (and a little bit 
about music, sometimes) but it is you guys who should put you neck 
out on economic matters for the benefit of the rest of us.

Tuan Pham