Below is a list of externally-contibuted improvements to WARTS programs. Use them at your own risk. We accept no liability for the use or mis-use of these updates. In particular, we have not checked whether they work as claimed, whether documentation is adequate, or whether licenses (if any) are reasonable.
If you wish to contribute an improvement, email with a URL and a title (state which WARTS program you modify).
TD-CaS stands for trace driven cache simulator and combines a set of computer research tools and plot programs under a graphical user interface (GUI). TD-CaS controls the steps of trace driven cache simulation and administrates their input and output files. The simulation steps are: 1) Compilation of a C program (optional) 2) Instrumentation 3) Execution 4) Trace driven cache simulation 5) Execution Time Mapping 6) Display of the results in a graphical plot (typically as [miss rate or estimated execution time] vs. [cache size, block size, etc...])
Hardware requirements are Unix workstations with Sparc processors under an X Window system. The following software tools have to be installed: qpt (instrumenting WARTS tool from the University of Wisconsin), dineroIII (WARTS cache simulator), Tcl/TK (scripting language and window managing system) and gnuplot. Click Here