Every Thing Will Be Fine (2015) 5.5
5.5/10 from 1,448 users
Metascore: 34/100
Reviews: 9 user | 82 critic | 5 from Metacritic.com One day, driving aimlessly around the outskirts of town after a trivial domestic quarrel, a writer named Tomas accidentally hits and kills a child. Will he be able to move on? Director:Wim WendersWriter:Bjørn Olaf Johannessen |
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6.25 of 10. Definitely an art film. If it could have gone 1 step further and removed the product placement, it would be more than a fine/OK art film, potentially great.
A commentary on the world where everything is okay/fine no matter what the circumstances and its impact on people, particularly young people. Set around a detached American writer man (Franco) involved with a lot of French-Canadian people living in a quasi-rural/suburban setting. Largely an introspective story about writing and how stories, characters come about.
There are a few obvious holes that hurt the immersion level of the film. The kids of people with accents, whatever they may be, lack any accents. MacAdams makes the effort to be an accented character, but it's unclear whether she was one of the French Canadians or a Spanish immigrant, and the story itself leaves that open for interpretation.