Dee is an anarchic street-artist confronting the system, Marcus is an armed robber on a jewellery store crime-wave. For the two brothers, being Anti-Social is a way of life! Bound by an unyielding family loyalty they relentlessly carve their respective paths - and Dee finds acceptance in London's art-scene, while Marcus' smash-and-grab heists amass him a small fortune and his aspirations escalate. But when an ultra-violent gangland war erupts, Dee is suddenly forced to remember who he is - as Police and rival criminals close-in on the family and Marcus' gang defiantly prepare to take down the largest target of their careers.
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A Way Of Life
Did You Know?
Written by Simon Britton, Shara Nelson, John Power.
Composed & Produced by 'Urban Monk' 'Dukus', Mr Stephen Simpson.
Performed by Ms Shara Nelson.
Courtesy of Ms Shara Nelson, Mr Simon Britton, Mr John Power.
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This movie is a real hard attempt to gain a pop following. The problem is it's done so cheesy it's hard to like it and most certainly will never obtain the kind of fandom a movie like snatch obtained. It starts out in one of the beginning scenes where they are being chased for spray painting a wall and they light the smallest most worthless fire and the guards chasing them stop to put out the smallest fire that has no possibility of growing as it's nothing more than a few sheets of newspaper. At the same time they show this robbery that is so unbelievable it's hard to take it seriously. The opening scene basically shows how poorly put together this movie is. I know, it wants to be Hollywood and anything can happen, but even a Hollywood writer knows better than to add something that lame. At least in Hollywood they would have magically created a real fire to slow down the guards instead of a fire the equivalent of the comics section because frankly the lameness of it made me laugh and say OK that was bad. I am surprised I made it all the way through the movie as frankly the movie was boring, totally unrealistic, filled with clichés, had poor dialog and bad acting. Even the supposedly artistic scenes in the movie are simply uninteresting as they try to make this kid out to be the next banksy with his stencil "street art" that seems as bland as can be. As he is instantly having all his pieces preserved. You become bored in the dialog written by people who don't really know street art because they have never done it trying to sound "deep" in talking about it. I assure you if his works were being preserved it's because they are already worth massive value. Yet he can't seem to make a dime and needs a sponsor to you know help him make money. Logic really starts to fall apart at the end of the movie but i'm not going to spoil it. I gave this move a 5 which frankly is being generous. A lot of effort into a poor script that was badly acted out. There are much better movies to watch and this is 2 hours you won't ever get back.