The film follows Xu Lai, a former artist whose dreams were dashed when the responsibilities of life set in. With his life now revolving around his wife Cai Bo who is obsessed with having ... See full summary »
We consulted IMDb's Highest-Rated Action-Family Films to came up with 10 scene-stealing action figures your kids can relate to, look up to, and be inspired by.
In this suspenseful crime thriller, Mr. Wu, a Hong Kong movie star, is kidnapped by six unpredictable criminals disguised as police officers. The story is based on the 2004 real-life celebrity kidnapping case in China.
The cute baby monster Huba is the child of a human man and a monster queen, threatened by both monster-hating humans and monsters attempting to capture the new-born in an ancient world based on medieval China.
The film is set during the mighty Tang Dynasty-period in Chinese history. Nie Yinniang returns to family after several years in exile. The mission of her order is to eliminate the tyrany of... See full summary »
It is a story about the redemption of three man, a cab driver who never takes credit for helping others, a auxiliary policeman who never asks for promotion even when he risks his life to ... See full summary »
When the film broke out that a young man coming from a rich adopted family murdered his birth father, the controversy around the case hit a nerve with the public at large. An experiment was... See full summary »
A boss of a toy corporation, Chenggong Li, tries to head back to Chan Sar to celebrate the Chinese New Year with his family. However, plans don't go as smoothly after he crosses paths with a stranger, Geng Niu.
The film follows Xu Lai, a former artist whose dreams were dashed when the responsibilities of life set in. With his life now revolving around his wife Cai Bo who is obsessed with having children, the quirks of his eccentric family and his mediocre, ordinary existence, Xu Lai hopes to reconnect with his first love Yang YIi on an upcoming vacation. However, his hopes are dashed when he finds himself wrapped up in a murder investigation that proves truth is often stranger than fiction.
Lost in Hong Kong was put together quite well for maximum enjoyment. I found it funny, action packed, touching and beautiful all at the same time.
I'll be honest, when it comes to Asian cinema I'm more about Kung Fu flicks than anything else. I knew this was more of a comedy and I went into it thinking I might not get it, but after seeing the crime drama, Saving Mr. Wu, and loving that, this movie was recommended. So I gave it a try. The story they tell is pretty universal.
Xu Lai, is a man facing a midlife crisis added by the stress of trying to get his wife pregnant. When an opportunity comes to relive his youth with his first love, he travels all over Hong Kong in an attempt to rekindle the relationship, only to find the task more difficult when his Brother-In-Law tags along in order to document his life. Plus they both become evolved with a murder investigation.
I love it when movies defy genres and are able to mix in a lot of things to the story elements without being too jumbled and this movie does that very creatively. I don't know if this would be considered China's version of a blockbuster but it works on that level.
The movie has everything, everyone would need in order to stay in the seats and keep watching.
Most of all, I love how beautiful the cinematography made Hong Kong look. It adds to the personality of the whole film.
I definitely recommend giving it a look. it's got action adventure, Romance, and especially comedy. It's a good one.
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Lost in Hong Kong was put together quite well for maximum enjoyment. I found it funny, action packed, touching and beautiful all at the same time.
I'll be honest, when it comes to Asian cinema I'm more about Kung Fu flicks than anything else. I knew this was more of a comedy and I went into it thinking I might not get it, but after seeing the crime drama, Saving Mr. Wu, and loving that, this movie was recommended. So I gave it a try. The story they tell is pretty universal.
Xu Lai, is a man facing a midlife crisis added by the stress of trying to get his wife pregnant. When an opportunity comes to relive his youth with his first love, he travels all over Hong Kong in an attempt to rekindle the relationship, only to find the task more difficult when his Brother-In-Law tags along in order to document his life. Plus they both become evolved with a murder investigation.
I love it when movies defy genres and are able to mix in a lot of things to the story elements without being too jumbled and this movie does that very creatively. I don't know if this would be considered China's version of a blockbuster but it works on that level.
The movie has everything, everyone would need in order to stay in the seats and keep watching.
Most of all, I love how beautiful the cinematography made Hong Kong look. It adds to the personality of the whole film.
I definitely recommend giving it a look. it's got action adventure, Romance, and especially comedy. It's a good one.