The Batman Movie franchise has attracted the longest list of actors who have Oscar and Golden Globe wins or nominations. 19 Oscars, 34 Golden Globes. The franchise has won 3 Oscars.
Jack Nicholson - Joker 3 Oscars, 9 nominations 7 Golden Globes, 10 Nominations
George Clooney - Batman 2 Oscar, 4 nominations 4 Golden Globes, 7 nominations
Michael Caine - Alfred 2 Oscars, 4 nominations 3 Golden Globes, 8 nominations
Tommy Lee Jones - Two Face 1 Oscar, 3 nominations 1 Golden Globe, 3 nominations
Christian Bale - Batman 1 Oscar, 1 nomination 1 Golden Globe, 1 nomination
Halle Berry - Catwoman 1 Oscar 1 Golden Globe, 3 nominations
Heath Ledger - Joker (only actor to win Oscar/GG for Batman character performance) 1 Oscar, 1 nomination 1 Golden Globe, 1 nomination
Kim Basinger - Vicki Vale 1 Oscar 1 Golden Globe, 1 nomination
Nicole Kidman - Dr. Chase Meridian 1 Oscar, 2 nomination 3 Golden Globes, 6 Nominations
Ben Affleck - Batman 2 Oscars, 2 nominations 2 Golden Globes, 1 nomination
Morgan Freeman - Lucius Fox 1 Oscar, 3 nominations 2 Golden Globes, 4 nominations
Anne Hathaway - Catwoman 1 Oscar, 1 nomination 1 Golden Globe, 2 nominations
Marion Cotillard - Miranda 1 Oscar, 1 nomination 1 Golden Globe, 2 nominations
Michelle Pfeiffer - Catwoman 3 Oscar Nominations 1 Golden Globe, 5 nominations
Tom Wilkinson - Carmine Falcone 2 Oscar nominations 1 Golden Globe, 3 nominations
Uma Thurman - Poison Ivy 1 Oscar nomination 1 Golden Globe, 3 nominations
Liam Neeson - Henri Ducard 1 Oscar nomination 3 Golden Globe nominations
Gary Oldman - James Gordon 1 Oscar nomination
Michael Keaton 1 Oscar nomination, 1 Golden Globe.
Danny DeVito - Penguin 1 Oscar nomination 1 Golden Globe, 5 nominations
Maggie Gyllenhaal - Rachel Dawes 1 Oscar nomination 1 Golden Globe, 2 nominations
Matthew Modine - Foley 2 Golden Globe nominations
Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Blake 2 Golden Globe nominations
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I don't know why critics cal it bizarre and macabre. I really don't. Dark -yes, bizarre - no. It i s sad and with lots of emotions, specially with the Pinguin's story. They say it has elements of S&M but I really don't find anything of that sort except for Catwoman's whip.
This movie is deeper than its genre and villains aren't just some crazy freaks dressed like on a masquerade. They have strong motives with strong feelings involved. Catwoman (a great performance by Michelle Pfeifer!) isn't just a sexy chick who likes steeling jewels - she's on her personal crusade and Pinguin... well, by the end of the movie you really feel sorry for him (strong performance by Danny DeVito). Again, I think Michael Keaton is the best Batman and he carries his costume well.
You can totally see that it is a Tim Burton movie, because he has an unusual style and is a very talented guy. But also the music is fantastic and fits the emotions.