In late 1950s New York, Tom Ripley, a young underachiever, is sent to Italy to retrieve a rich and spoiled millionaire playboy, named Dickie Greenleaf. But when the errand fails, Ripley takes extreme measures.
Inspired by the modern classic, Wings of Desire, City involves an angel (Cage) who is spotted by a doctor in an operating room. Franz plays Cage's buddy who somehow knows a lot about angels.
Kate and her actor brother live in N.Y. in the 21st Century. Her ex-boyfriend, Stuart, lives above her apartment. Stuart finds a space near the Brooklyn Bridge where there is a gap in time.... See full summary »
In London, the public relation Helen is fired from her position in a PR company. While returning home, she does not catch the train in the subway. But in another possibility of her life, she catches the train in the subway. The story shows two parallel lives of Helen: in one life, she stays with her boyfriend Gerry, and in the other life, she finds that Gerry cheats her with Lydia and falls in love with James Hammerton. Written by
Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
When James and Helen first meet on the tube, James talks about The Beatles. A little later in the film, as Helen and Anna get into the taxi they instruct the driver to take them to 9 Menlove Ave. Menlove Ave (251) was the childhood home of The Beatles's John Lennon in Liverpool. Lennon also felt a great affinity with the number "9". See more »
At the end of the film when Helen and James are on the bridge, her hair is wet when James is explaining his situation. Then when she is crossing the street to use the phone, its still raining but Helen's hair is completely dry. See more »
Who's there?
It's Helen, actually. We met once, I interrupted you faking your orgasm. Sorry I can't be more specific.
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Have Fun, Go Mad
Written by Blair Mackichan and Phil Taylor
Performed by Blair
Courtesy of Mercury Records Limited by arrangement with PolyGram Film and TV Music See more »
This movie will make you think for years on end, Just that one little thing could change your life for good.
This movie is running to stories of Helen Quilley who has just been fired of her work place for drinking the night before has she rushes to the train station, while go down the stairs a little girl get in the way and she goes around girl and train door shut in face.
Then we see the movie rewind and she back on top the stairs this time mum pulls the girl way from wall so she can get past, just about got on to the train, in this scene we can she her on train also on outside train.
From here we see both side of stories, we see how life would have been if she did catch the train and we can also see what would have happened if she missed the Train.
The movie was well written and Gwyneth Paltrow is was outstanding in this movie.
8/10 ending was disappointed but it better then ending i was thinking of.
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This movie will make you think for years on end, Just that one little thing could change your life for good.
This movie is running to stories of Helen Quilley who has just been fired of her work place for drinking the night before has she rushes to the train station, while go down the stairs a little girl get in the way and she goes around girl and train door shut in face.
Then we see the movie rewind and she back on top the stairs this time mum pulls the girl way from wall so she can get past, just about got on to the train, in this scene we can she her on train also on outside train.
From here we see both side of stories, we see how life would have been if she did catch the train and we can also see what would have happened if she missed the Train.
The movie was well written and Gwyneth Paltrow is was outstanding in this movie.
8/10 ending was disappointed but it better then ending i was thinking of.