Bruce Beresford-Redman, a producer for the hit reality show Survivor, takes his wife Monica and their children on vacation to Mexico in an effort to salvage his crumbling marriage after he is caught cheating. But when Monica is found strangled to death, the police soon look to Bruce as their number one suspect. As his wife's friends and family start to turn on him and even his own friends become suspicious, Bruce faces extradition to Mexico to stand trial for her murder. Based on a True story. Written by
Barcarie Mitchell
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This is an inspired by a true story movie - If you live here in Southern California, the tragic story of the murder of Mónica Beresford-Redman in 2010 is one that was on the top of headlines for months as her husband accused of her murder, Bruce Beresford-Redman, producer of Survivor and Pimp that Ride maintains to this day that he is innocent.
The big question is, "Did he do it?" During the investigation it was discovered they had marital problems and he was having an affair. But is that enough to convict him? The Mexican government sentenced him to 12 years, there was a lot of sentiment that he thought he could outwit the investigators because of his association with Survivor, did that prejudice the judge? So many if's but no hard core evidence.
This movie takes the audience on the ride presenting the "evidence" and showing the explanation in time going back to that moment and playing it back. At the end of the movie, as in real life, we still don't know for sure as Bruce Beresford-Redman, is still in jail and no one has provided evidence beyond the statistic that the husband did it.
The director was very careful not to convict but tell the story, and create engagement and treat the audience and the story with respect, not spoon feeding a story but telling it in such a way that Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, would be proud.