In the scene where Leila and David are about to have sex on the couch, after he takes her panties off he puts on a condom. After a minute or two they roll off the couch and onto the floor where they finish having sex. After she stands up he is still laying on the floor and his penis is clearly visible with no condom on it.
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David, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Come here.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I left your dad's house.
What? I can't understand you.
I'm sorry that I left your dad's house. I'm sorry that I left you. I'm sorry. I don't ever want to leave you again. I'm sorry... My, umm, my house is for sale...
What do you mean your house is for sale?
My parent's house is for sale and...
What - Calm down, what are you talking about?
Everything is fucking a mess... I need to be with you, I need to be with you. I ...
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Thro Yer Legzzup
Performed by The Compact Sound System
featuring the King Mu
Written by the Compact Sound System
Licensed courtesy CSS Productions
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I was truly surprised by the emotional depth and haunting quality of this film, which could easily have felt merely cheap and tawdry because of the abundant nudity and almost explicit sex that dominates it. The excellence of the performances, however, acts as a counterbalance to the sexual titillation.
In acting this tale of the struggle between sheer lust and real love, both leads radiate a subtlety of emotion through facial expression and body posture that makes the largely non-conversational characters "speak" in articulated ways. The sparse voice-overs effectively assist the development of the relationship. In a society where wide sexual experimentation at early ages exposes many to the pitfalls this film explores, this is a strong statement about the human hunger for love and real relationship.