After a plane crash in the ocean, a group of military students reach an island. Ralph organizes the boys, assigning responsibilities for each one. When the rebel Jack Merridew neglects the fire camp and they lose the chance to be seen by a helicopter, the group split under the leadership of Jack. While Ralph rationalizes the procedures, Jack returns to the primitivism, using the fear for the unknown (in a metaphor to the religion) to control the other boys, and hunting and chasing pigs, stealing the possession of Ralph's group and even killing people. Written by
Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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The classic story of conflict and survival.
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Did You Know?
During one of the signal fire scenes, flames back up toward the fire, instead of shooting out from it.
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Jack Merridew:
Whats the matter tits! Were you afraid to bring it with you? Anyway the conch doesn't count anymore, Miss Piggy-tits!
Stop that!
Jack Merridew:
Nobody's interested in you and your fucking conch! Why don't you just take your fat friend and shove off! you've had all the meat you can eat. Come on hunters! Rogers the pig!
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Spoofed in
The Simpsons: Das Bus (1998)
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Well I happened upon this movie by accident and started watching it because I fall for the kinds of movies where someones stuck on a desert island etc. Over all it's an extremely good depiction of humanity and the psycological behavior of children left alone without guidance. The acting was wonderful, and I'm sure anyone who sees it will agree that that kind of situation is difficult to imagine let alone act out especially with the actors being so young. I recommend this movie for anyone looking for a creepy survival story.