A lonely doctor who once occupied an unusual lakeside home begins exchanging love letters with its former resident, a frustrated architect. They must try to unravel the mystery behind their extraordinary romance before it's too late.
Alejandro Agresti
Keanu Reeves,
Sandra Bullock,
Christopher Plummer
The wry, comic romantic tale follows the Owens sisters, Sally and Gillian, as they struggle to use their hereditary gift for practical magic to overcome the obstacles in discovering true love.
Lucy's life consists of constant loneliness that is until she saves Peter's life. Now she is a part of his family, and with a strong heart and fate on her side, others begin to realize what a terrific person she is, especially Jack, Peter's brother. An extraordinarily true-to-life sequence of events begin to take place as Lucy and Jack become closer and learn more about each other and themselves than one would ever expect from such coincidental, yet believable events. Written by
Michael Lee Pollock <gt4250a@prism.gatech.edu>
The shot of the boy delivering newspapers early in the film was supposed to show him successfully throwing three papers before cutting to the house with Lucy waking up. He fell on the first take while throwing his second paper, breaking his wrist. The director opted to add the shot in the final cut of the film. See more »
In the scene when Lucy tells Jerry that she likes Jack, the leaves on the trees behind them are all green, even though it is just a few days after Christmas. See more »
[during Mass]
How did Joe Kelly get to be a lector? He takes marijuana!
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Warm and gentle comedy that shows Bullock to her best advantage, in her favorite role of shy closet beauty. Bullock obsesses about a man she sees briefly every day; when he is knocked unconscious she claims to be his fiancée. Then sparks begin to fly with the brother. Wonderful turns by Boyle and Warden as older family members. There's a great line by Boyle in this movie, something like you always imagine you'll have these long golden moments in life and then when you get there it lasts about a minute. I think Bullock was never better than in this movie, in later productions her shy modesty seems a little artificial. She and Pullman have just enough chemistry together to pull this through.
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Warm and gentle comedy that shows Bullock to her best advantage, in her favorite role of shy closet beauty. Bullock obsesses about a man she sees briefly every day; when he is knocked unconscious she claims to be his fiancée. Then sparks begin to fly with the brother. Wonderful turns by Boyle and Warden as older family members. There's a great line by Boyle in this movie, something like you always imagine you'll have these long golden moments in life and then when you get there it lasts about a minute. I think Bullock was never better than in this movie, in later productions her shy modesty seems a little artificial. She and Pullman have just enough chemistry together to pull this through.