The Plastics are back in the long awaited follow-up to the smash-hit Mean Girls... and now the clique is more fashionable, funny and ferocious than ever!
Plot Summary
Plot Synopsis
The plastics are back!
Did You Know?
In the beginning, and once later on, Jo describes Hope as a "hypochondriac". The way she describes it, Hope would be more accurately described as a "germaphobe", since hypochondriasis is a disorder in which one fears they actually have a certain disease or illness, it is not a fear of or aversion to germs.
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Johanna 'Jo' Mitchell:
Mess with me fine, mess with my family you're dead! it's like all my female hormones had kicked into overdrive and I was out for blood.
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Referenced in
Dr. Phil: Mini Mean Girls (2011)
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Favorite Distraction
Written by
Jessi Alexander,
Mher Filian, and
Isaac Hasson
Performed by SuperSpy
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MEAN GIRLS 2 TRASH IT ( D ) Can someone still can do the honor and just remove the means girls title from this atrocious movie. This was nothing like the classic Mean Girl movie, which literally made Lindsay Lohan, and added an additional boost to Rachel McAdams, Amanda Seyfried and Tina Fey's career. When everything thought Mean Girl is just another teen movie, it come out to be something smart, sharp and edgy. Comparing to the original, this movie lacks in every department. From production, to direction to writing, to acting. It won't be wrong to say that this was the worst tween movie I have seen in recent time counting all the tween ABC Family movies as well. The Entire young cast Meaghan Martin, Jennifer Stone, Maiara Walsh, Nicole Gale Anderson, Claire Holt, Amber Wallace, Bethany Anne Lind, Diego Boneta, Colin Dennard and Patrick Johnson are average performers in it. Overall, trash this garbage, which is not remotely close to the Original Mean Girls.