John Kreese, his life in tatters after his karate school was defeated by Daniel and Miyagi, visits Terry Silver, a Vietnam War comrade. Terry is a ruthless businessman and martial arts expert, and he vows to help Kreese gain revenge on Daniel and Miyagi, and reestablish Cobra Kai. Upon returning from Okinawa, Daniel and Miyagi discover that their apartment building has been demolished, which brings Miyagi out of work. Going against Miyagi's wishes, Daniel uses his college funds to realize Miyagi's dream of opening a bonsai tree shop, and becomes a partner in the bonsai business. Written by
Murray Chapman <muzzle@cs.uq.oz.au>
Plot Summary
Plot Synopsis
First it was teacher to student. Then it was father to son. Now, it's man to man.
Did You Know?
Film debut of
Thomas Ian Griffith, who portrays a Vietnam veteran; in real life, Griffith was only 13 years old when the Vietnam War ended. He is also some months younger than
Ralph Macchio who plays a child.
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When Miyagi sends Barnes flying through the Cobra-Kai door into the dojo, if you look closely, you can see some sort of table (with a blue tinge to it) that Barnes used to jump off of and into the door from.
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Terry Silver:
A man can't stand, he can't fight.
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Followed by
The Next Karate Kid (1994)
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In a Trance
Written by Sverre Wiik and Harald Wiik
Performed by
Money Talks See more »
While this film went back to the more casual appeal of the first film, it proved to be a bit of a rehashing of the first. The only difference, we see Daniel take on the `dark side' (a.k.a. not Mr. Myagi's way) of fighting. Sure, this had to be a little different, but Daniel trying to be a tough guy seemed a little off in a way. Sure, this film was entertaining, but it proved the series was running on empty. However, Mr. Myagi proved he could still kick plenty of butt, making the ending all worth it.