Keith Michaels, an academy award winner for his screenplay for the movie "Paradise Misplaced", now faces the challenge of being rejected in Hollywood. To get a breakthrough he is forced to take the job he most hates, teaching. The assignment is at a college is far from his comforts and could possibly take him to a new life. Written by
Thejus Joseph Jose
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Director Marc Lawrence has worked with Hugh Grant three times previously. This is their fourth film together as director and lead actor.
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During the first actual class, Flo Bai (Maggie Geha) is shown seated at the rear of the classroom wearing gold sandals. After the class she is shown leaving the classroom wearing fringed, black ankle boots.
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Holly Carpenter:
Hey! I'm driving you home.
Keith Michaels:
Wow. This is a full service restaurant.
Holly Carpenter:
Well, you had two glasses and you had two at the bar. And if you die I don't get to take your course and it's gonna screw up my whole schedule.
Keith Michaels:
What about my car?
Holly Carpenter:
It's a Hyundai. It'll be there in the morning.
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The Twilight Zone (1959)
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What a fun and charming movie. It's so good to see Hugh Grant in a film that utilizes both his comedic timing and that let's him ground himself in things a bit more serious. It would be easy to dismiss this film as formulaic (and I suppose it is to a certain extent, but what movie isn't these days?), but it does allow Grant's character to peel back some layers to reveal a man more complicated and not quite so lacking in depth as you might expect at first. Marisa Tomei is wonderful as Grant's student and confidant. It's so nice to see two talented actors of comparable age building a terrific camaraderie and rapport with each other and the dialogue. JT Simmons is terrifically funny with a nice supporting role as the dean. In fact, the whole supporting case is great. This is the movie that happens when you have a tremendous cast, taking a nice story, and making it believable and funny without some of the hackneyed tics that Hollywood always likes to tack on. Really worth your time.