This story takes place in a typical American neighborhood, when some new neighbors come to live in the house next to Ray Peterson. These new people are really strange; nobody has ever seen them, their house is a real mess, and during the night you can hear weird noises from their basement. The only thing they know is their name: Klopeks. One day Walter (an old man of the neighborhood) suddenly disappears and everyone starts to suspect the Klopeks... Written by
Chris Makrozahopoulos <makzax@hotmail.com>
Plot Summary
Plot Synopsis
A comedy about one nice guy who gets pushed too far.
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Did You Know?
The four main character's names all also have other definitions that relate to their personalities: Art has an active imagination, Mark fancies himself a marksman, Ray gets pointed in a direction and won't stop, and Carol just wants everyone to be happy like she is.
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At the beginning, when the paper boy is riding down their street, the camera gives a view straight down the street. The sign says "Mayfield Pl.", but it is positioned to show the cross street, not the street they live on.
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Mark Rumsfield:
Ray takes Walter's toupee out of his shorts]
Are you implying that you've been carrying that around in your shorts all day?
Ray Peterson:
After you left Walter's house yesterday, I slipped this back in, through the mail slot.
Art Wiengartner:
Well, where'd you get this then?
Ray gestures to the Klopeck's house]
Ray Peterson:
After the dog came up out of the basement, I found it wedged in between a bunch of magazines all of which I might add, were addressed to Walter!
Art Wiengartner:
Then that means that...
Mark Rumsfield:
Klopeck went back into the house and got the ...
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Crazy Credits
At the end of the Universal logo, the camera zooms into Earth and to where the film takes place.
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Referenced in
American Grindhouse (2010)
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Written by
Mickey Finn, Fernie Rod, Billy Rowe & Mark Radice
Performed by
Courtesy of MCA Records
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The first time I saw THE 'BURBS, it was a special unannounced sneak preview following another film. Having heard nothing about this film and not even knowing of its existence until the film started, I was immediately worried I was about to see a horror film. Hey, I was only ten at the time, when I was still scared of horror movies. But what I ended up seeing was one of the most hilarious movies ever made, a movie that had the entire theater laughing all the way through. We later bought the video, and more recently the DVD, and over the years since it's release I've watched it countless times (the exact number probably somewhere in the 50s or so) and have never grown tired of it.
While managing to be both suspenseful and funny at the same time, the film also does a great job after capturing the day-to-day life of a small suburban street, with a variety of characters so simple and life-like, it seems like they could actually live on your own street. The grumpy old guy down the street, the teenager who likes to throw parties while his parents are gown, the guy next door who comes over all the time and mooches food, and the average Everyday Joe who experiences it all at his own pace. The cast is an excellent combination, with everybody working great together, particularly Bruce Dern as the Vietnam vet who always has the right tool for the job and Tom Hanks as the average guy who's curious about his strange new neighbors, but not enough to really want to bother finding out more about them. If you've never seen it, I suggest giving it a look. It really is quite funny and has many quotable lines.