Living in the small town of Storm Lake, married upper middle class couple Robert and Sarah Benson faced a life changing incident five years ago when a freak accident led to a then pregnant Sarah, an organic hobby farmer, losing the baby and not being able to conceive children anymore. Feeling guilty for not fixing their broken dock which caused the accident, Robert, an author of personal financial management self help books, took to the bottle, although he has now been sober for six months. Robert dotes on their only child, six year old Sully, and constantly worries about her diabetic condition. They are pursuing adoption as Sarah believes another child would bring a much needed balance into their lives, especially in getting Robert out of his funk. He has been in this state specifically since his last book tour, about which he does not remember much due to his drinking and hard partying. They believe they have finally found the perfect adoption mother in Bridgette Gibson, a young ... Written by
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Did You Know?
Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig secretly made this movie. It was a surprise to many people when the announcement of the movie was leaked to the press.
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Husband of Julia:
beginning of film; cuts cake]
Okay, if you're gonna force me.
No one's forcing you; you can stop anytime.
Man at table:
So, Robert, your latest book's at the top of the bestseller list, huh.
Robert Benson:
holding Sully, focused on her]
Ah, it's creeping up there! My agent's really been pushing it. Little Sully here could care less about bestsellers.
Oh, maybe she doesn't read your books, but the rest of us do.
Robert Benson:
looks up, grateful]
And I thank you.
Husband of Julia:
Seriously, those books have helped Julia and I ...
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My Day
Music & Lyrics by
Mj Mynarski & Paul Comaskey
24Framescore 2015
Performed by Paul Comaskey
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"I really think another baby will bring the old Robert back." Robert (Ferrell) and Sarah (Wiig) are happily married and expecting a new baby. When Sarah has an accident and they lose the baby their lives are changed. Years later Sarah thinks that if they can adopt Robert will return to his old self. They find a pregnant mother who is willing to give them their baby and allow her to move in with them. This is when the obsession is revealed. First of all if you don't already know this is a spoof of a Lifetime movie. This is not a Scary Movie over the top spoof but it does poke fun at the Lifetime movie genre. Ferrell and Wiig play this straight and that is what makes this work. The script and the acting are purposely horrible and just about every cliché is in this. The movie is predictable, but what Lifetime movie isn't. I will admit this wasn't as funny as I was hoping, but what it is is a perfectly done send up of this genre and for that reason this is worth watching. Overall, a serious spoof of an extremely melodramatic genre. I enjoyed it. I give it a B-.