Nocturna (2015)Two New Orleans detectives become embroiled in a centuries-long feud between two secretive factions of vampires while investigating a runaway child's case. Torn between their everyday lives... See full summary » Director:Buz AlexanderWriter:Buz Alexander |
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There are some movies you just know with the first look they are going to be bad but you still want to give the director/actors a chance to save it. Unfortunately Nocturna is beyond that point.
His strings pulled by the mayor the police chieftain assigns the rookie under the wings of the veteran detective to protect the newbie from the "evil" of the city. Having no idea what's going on in his city the rookie and the veteran respond to a murder call which also appears to be missing case for them. Despite his lack of experience and observation skills the rookie decides not to listen to his partner's advices and takes the kidnapped girl to the forbidden neighborhood. This is when he sees the "unnatural beings" and the story starts.
As someone who likes vampire movies, i must say for the details the setup is different from the others. Vampire blood heals and gives the drinker some vampire abilities But it is also poisonous for humans! The thing is in these kind of scenes make up and visual effects are so amateur that takes your enthusiasm to continue watching. OMG, at least don't use plastic heads for the chop offs!!! The nonsense and the lack of logic in this movie has no limits!
*** SPOILER ALERT*** Vampires with "demonic suggestion abilities" decide to force their way into a hospital surrounded by cameras instead of just talking their way in!!! Why did the police chieftain unexplainably die?! I still don't understand why there was a sacrifice needed in the end for the other characters to escape! Why script writer why?!!! ***
Acting I don't know where to start. OK first of all i am surprised that Mike Doyle accepted this role. But putting him aside the acting was TERRIBLE! Danny Agha (Roy Cody), who is acting as our rookie detective should consider ending his acting career. I am pretty sure there are better jobs for him!
Even the stunts are awful at getting shot or killed!
I think it is safe to say that Buz Alexander failed at his first try as a director. He failed at both the story and the directing. In my opinion we got ourselves another Uwe Boll.
This movie deserves no more than 1/10! Not recommended! It is a waste of time