In this first installment of the werewolf trilogy, we follow a group of shape-shifting werewolves that appear in a small town in search of a mysterious girl who is re-born once every 2000 years. In order to save their kind from the brink of extinction, they must capture her before she becomes a full fledged Lycan and reclaim her place as the Alpha species. Unknown to them however lurks yet another of her kind secretly living in the same small town. If they can capture both, then they would have the power to control a new species of werewolves and enslave the human race. Written by
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Pray for the Sunrise
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Received poor reviews the day it released.
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Run Away
Written by
Amber Noel Bonham and 'Jason Taylor'
Performed by
Amber Noel Bonham See more »
I had great expectations from this flick. It was announced like a very good wolf movie. When I saw 8,8 rate on IMDb,my happiness was over the top. It took me 2 minutes to realize what piece of garbage is this. CGI, acting, directing, script everything is terrible. The worst movie I have watch for a long time. I keep asking my self who can give money for something like this. How can someone sign himself as a director and writer for something terrible as this. And acting, what can I say. It's not B movie it is Z movie category. So if you care about yourself and about your time, skip this insult to the movie and save your nerves and time.