Affluent and aimless, Conrad Valmont lives a life of leisure in his parent's prestigious Manhattan Hotel. In the span of one week, he finds himself evicted, disinherited, and... in love.
Plot Summary
Plot Synopsis
She had him at "I'm your best friend's girlfriend"
Did You Know?
The Director and the financier had two very different versions of the film, including both the cut and presentation (poster, trailer, marketing, et al). A Director's Cut still might come out at some point.
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When Conrad presses the recording button on his tape deck and speaks in the microphone, the tape is not rolling. The needles for the volume level don't move either.
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Conrad Valmont:
Watching girls play football in the park]
Is it wrong to be aroused by a bunch of 17-year-old girls running around with knee-high socks and polyester shorts?
Dylan Tate:
Well, I guess that's a decision every man has to make for himself, but yes, obviously yes.
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The Longest Week is a lesson that it's possible to have ideas, a great cast, a good script and then put it all up on screen and miss - dreadfully.
The Longest Week comes with a healthy dose of frustration as we delve into the incredibly narcissistic world that our three main protagonists live in. It borrows from the New York film book but is too much in love with the world it wants to send up and we fall, not for the characters, but asleep.
This film is not a mess - it looks great, the acting is great, the constant narration is annoying, but more than that is a vast sense of alienation between the screen and the viewer - it's an unbridgeable abyss caused by a palpable sense of ennui and boredom.
All in all, the next film will work - this goes from charm to smarmy to boring very fast and never gets us to care one jot.