Felix (Cameron Dallas) is a legendary prankster who always charms his way out of trouble. However, after his third strike at school, the principal has had enough and expels him. Never defeated, Felix resorts to his infamous ways and devises a plan with his brother (Marcus Johns), best friend (Matt Shively), new friend (Lia Marie Johnson) and classmate (Andrea Russett) to hide it from his parents.
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Eastwood High Is About To Get Schooled
Did You Know?
This movie includes 5 internet famous people, Cameron Dallas, Marcus Johns, Andrea Russett, Teala Dunn, and Lia Marie Johnson.
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When Ben and Felix are sneaking into the house, and Felix first enters, when Ben trips onto the drum set, Cameron Dallas is clearly seen trying not to laugh, to the point were he grins.
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Felix O'neil:
Difficult, yes. Impossible... probably yes but that's never stopped us before.
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Moment Like You
Written by Lia Marie Johnson, Cooper Wilson, Michael Warren,
Bret Lusis, Erik Belz, & Joseph McQueen
Performed by Lia Marie Johnson
Courtesy of Timeless Records, LLC
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To put it out there immediately, yes this movie is irrational. The plot is unrealistic and the majority of the situations that the main character faces can be debunked by any viewer. HOWEVER, the movie in itself was downright amusing. I laughed at many of the lines, mannerisms & expressions of the cast. This movie was not created to win an Oscar, it was created to give the audience a good time. Yes, you will cringe at some of the acting from the supporting cast, but we're not watching Hollywood's A-list actors here people. The star of the film actually makes his character likable, don't let his Vine "behavior" discredit that. The editing is great, the overall acting is mediocre but it definitely isn't a snooze fest. I wouldn't call this movie necessarily a "must-watch" but if you ever find yourself looking for a movie to amusingly pass the time, give it a shot.