The true story of James Burns who, as a teenager goes from the suburban street gangs of Denver to a maximum-security prison cell surrounded by hardened criminals. In this unlikely setting, will James emerge with hope and a brighter future? Written by
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Stay up. Never down.
Did You Know?
The scene where james and crystal are riding in the car and she makes him pull over is shot on e patapsco ave in baltimore, MD
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At the end of the film, there is a summary of what James has achieved since the movie time-line finished but there's a glaring spelling mistake and quite ironic in the context of the sentence:
"He (James) studied writing and poetry at Borough of Manhattan Community College and hopes to continue his highter [sic] education"
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first lines]
pinning James to the ground]
We get a hundred little shits like you transferred from Youth Corrections every year. Now, you got two problems. One, you done all your time so far with kids instead of real cons, so you think you're tougher than you actually are. Two, the guards at the YO think they can still put Humpty back together, which makes 'em soft. Means you're used to gettin' away with shit. Here, you throw an elbow at another inmate, we got a problem. You understand that?
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I Found My Way
Written by Jermaine Stegall
Produced by Jermaine Stegall
Performed by Jermaine Stegall
Courtesy of Stegallworld Music, (BMI)
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I usually like prison flicks, but this, jeez. Where do I begin. The movie skips back and forward with nothing but the awful artificial aging as a clue. And age yes, its a problem. He is suppose to play an fourteen year old in the flashbacks. Ehm, no. Just no. I don't believe it. And neither should you.
Nothing is believable. The gang members are not scary. The cringe-worthy mom-son scenes are, well cringe-worthy. And the love story are so extremely shallow.
So in conclusion. Bad acting. Bad casting. Bad writing. Bad directing. Bad movie. If we add that the real James Burns never changed for the better, and still lives hustling and steeling another day, its really no reason for anyone to watch this crap.