The story of a young man moves from Montana to Florida with his family, where he's compelled to engage in a fight to protect a population of endangered owls, and that a tough girl at his school named Beatrice has some connection with the barefoot boy, who has some connection with vandalism at the construction site. When they realize that a population of endangered burrowing owls is threatened by new construction the kids decide to take on crooked politicians and bumbling cops in the hope of saving their new friends. Written by
Anthony Pereyra {hypersonic91@yahoo.com}
Plot Summary
Plot Synopsis
It's time to stand up for the little guys.
Release Date:
5 May 2006 (USA)
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Box Office
Opening Weekend:
(5 May 2006)
(2 June 2006)
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Company Credits
Technical Specs
Aspect Ratio:
1.85 : 1
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Did You Know?
The fine print beneath the newspaper photo showing the spray-painted police car credits "Wil da man Shriner", i.e. producer/writer/director
Wil Shriner, as the photographer.
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The Captain tells Officer Delinko to "be sure to plug it in", referring to the three wheeler. However, throughout the film, it is obvious that the three wheeler is gasoline-powered.
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Mr. Ryan:
So why are there palm trees in Ireland?
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Lovely Day
Written by
Bill Withers and
Skip Scarborough
Performed by
Maroon 5 featuring
Bill Withers and Kari Withers
Maroon 5 appears courtesy of Octjay Records
By Arrangement with Sony BMG Music Entertainment
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If you read the book by Carl Hiaasen, the movie follows pretty much true to form, with a few minor changes for Hollywood. In my opinion this is a great family movie. Luke Wilson (Officer Delinko)pretty well steals the show from an all-star cast that includes Robert Wagner and Jimmy Buffet. The kids in the movie do a great job led by Logan Lerman, Brie Larson, and Cody Linley.
Brie Larson is maybe a little too petite to play Beatrice. I pictured a bigger girl, maybe 6 foot, 175 lbs, in the role of Beatrice. This might have made her more believable in her role of beating up Dana. They should have developed her "tough girl" character more, and had her bite through a tire, or kick a soccer ball through a person. She is very pretty, and I understand why she was cast, she is a box office attraction.
This is about as PG as a movie gets these days, no sex, and very little violence. This movie is a parents'dream come true, a movie with a strong environmental message, with kids that have deep appreciation for the beauty of Florida and its wildlife. It shows how adults have fallen short in the stewardship of our planet, and that our children can demand better. One of my favorite lines in the movie is when Mullet Fingers says, "Florida could use some mountains like Montana. Florida is so flat there is nothing to stop developers from clearing it coast to coast". Also, the photography of Florida wildlife spoke volumes without dialog. As a family movie with kids ages 5-15, this is a great movie! As a bonus parents' will be entertained, especially if they're "parrotheads".