The story of a 10th anniversary High School reunion, told through the eyes of a doctor who was humiliated on graduation day by being badly beaten up by a fellow graduate. Written by
Alan Keith Carver <alanc@accessone.com>
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Did You Know?
Kevin MacEldowney:
Did you get lucky tonight?
Zane Levy:
No. But there's always the flight back. How about you?
Kevin MacEldowney:
Things are okay. You know, tonight I'm going to try to piss off the people upstairs for a change. Make them stay up all night. Is that mean?
Zane Levy:
Kevin MacEldowney:
Oh, I was going to start being nicer. Fuck it. I'll start tomorrow.
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You Don't Know Me
Written by Temple Williams and Joey Slotnick
Performed by Joey Slotnick
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I came across this one while channel-surfing and since it was just starting I left it on. I didn't expect much from it but have to admit I did find it engaging, maybe because I am a graduate of the class of '87 and I never attended my 10th reunion I am more susceptible to this films charms. While the movie covers all the bases by representing all personality types it was nice to see some of the characters weren't truly stereotypical. I also did find myself laughing out-loud at many of the mean-spiritedness of Lara Flynn Boyle's character....her performance alone was worth the watch.
Be on the lookout for cameos by Molly Ringwald as "Claire" (coincidence?) and Jennifer Grey (post nose-job) and a funny stint by Liev Schreiber.
Overall a pleaser in my humble opinion.