Based in Calcutta during its most unsettled times in the 1970s, the film deals with the inseparable life of Bikram and Bala. The story of 2 boys, boys who became refugees. Refugees who became gun couriers. Gun couriers who became coal bandits, coal bandits who became Calcutta's most loved, most celebrated, most reckless, most fearless, Most Powerful! A story of two happy-go-lucky renegades who came to be known as... GUNDAY! Written by
Yash Raj Films
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Did You Know?
Mr India (1987), the film which is seen playing in the cinema fight scene, was produced by
Boney Kapoor - lead actor Arjun Kapoor's father. Mr. India also starred Arjun Kapoor's paternal uncle,
Anil Kapoor and stepmother
Sridevi, both of whom are shown in the song on-screen during this scene.
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During the climax, the truck shown behind Ranveer Singh in the running sequence is from the 2000s.
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Zanjiri (1973)
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This is one of those worst movies you can hardy digest which are full of historically inappropriate, inaccurate and dumb events!!! All most all the historians found this speculation about the great Liberation War of Bangladesh way too hard to swallow given that, at the time the film is set- it was an India-Pakistan war happened in 1971!! Similarly, this terrible film often humiliates the Bangladeshis, on several sights. It depicted that people of Bangladesh were involved in various criminal activities during the liberation war when in reality; they had been fighting for the liberation of their motherland. Furthermore, the movie awfully exaggerated the situation in 1971 portraying that the Bangladeshi used to talk in Hindi! My foot! It's a matter of great pity when some dumb & numb scriptwriters portrayed the Bangladeshis as Hindi-Speaking Nation, who are the only brave nation who had shed their bloods for claiming their mother tongue back in 1952! Such is the state and height of historically inaccuracy and dumbness! Poor dumb ass YashRajFilms!!! Better start selling pinup magazines on the street - I mean it!