James and Lily, estranged from society, live off the grid, raising their young daughter in a cocoon of comfort and sustainability. When a mysterious mass text ripples its way across the country, triggering a crippling, apocalyptic cyber attack, their home transitions from sheltered modern oasis to a fortress for the estranged old friends that show up at their door for protection and community. The unexpected reunion--abundant with revelry and remembrances, generously enhanced by organic wine and weed--is quickly undermined by the slights of the past, the spark of lingering flirtations and the threat of a locally grown new world order. Balancing tense confrontations with slivers of levity, director Denis Henry Hennelly pinpoints a future where ideology explodes into action in every area. Written by
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Did You Know?
When Laura is showing Hannah and Lev how to start a fire she places the burning kindling into the fire ring. As Hannah and Lev clap, you can see that the large log on the left is already burning with embers.
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Lily Palmer:
I want a divorce.
Lily Palmer:
What, you've got nothing to say?
James Palmer:
How do you want me to respond? I'm dealing with real problems.
Lily Palmer:
And our marriage isn't a real problem?
James Palmer:
Not compared to our survival, no.
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Rolling Sea
Written by Andrew Cabic
Performed by Vetiver
Courtesy of Sub Pop Records
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"This is not the apocalypse and even if it is didn't we all say this would be the perfect place to ride it out?" After a group of friends receive a text that just says goodbye world they are confused. After the very real threat of an apocalypse occurs old college friends show up at an "off-the-grid" home to wait it out. Little by little old feelings of love and jealousy start to creep in as they all brace for the end of the world. This is a tough movie to review and explain. Some parts of it are very funny and entertaining while others really slow the movie down. The mood switches from happy comedy to downer drama. Some of it is very predictable and some of it comes out of nowhere. I did like this movie for the most part but there was a movie that came out about a year ago called It's A Disaster which was about the same idea and I liked that one much better. Overall, an OK movie that struggled to find an identity. I give this a B-.