Based on a short story by Stephen King, a man and his family return to his home town, but he is then harassed by teenagers that died when he was a kid.
Three more bone-chilling tales that include a vengeful wooden Native American, a monstrous blob in a lake, and a hitchhiker who wants revenge and will not die.
Tom Savini was attached to direct the film in the late 1980's but pulled out due to lack of studio interest. See more »
As Nordello is staggering down the hall of the office after breaking into Warwick's desk, muttering, "This'll teach you to fire ME", her voice is different compared to earlier in the film, and her lips aren't moving at all. See more »
[to the monster]
We're going to hell together!
See more »
Crazy Credits
The end credits have a strange theme song with the cast members saying stuff from the movie. See more »
By Charlie Daniels, William Digregorio, Tommy Crain, Freddie
Edwards & Charlie Hayward
Performed by The Charlie Daniels Band
Charlie Daniels performs courtesy of CBS Records See more »
I love this film to death. It's one of my childhood favorites. It's incredible how a film can constantly stay in your memory and ignite such excitement thinking back on it through the years as this one does. A solid horror film, one of the best ever made. It should be watched every year on Halloween to celebrate it. And every actor that was in it should be hunted down and hailed. This film is such a masterpiece, it has every ingredient possible to create a true and complete horror film: Extreme terror and gore, a creepy old mill and cemetery, a cool handsome hero, an evil ugly boss, a wacky exterminator, a small forbidden town, an unspeakable monster below, a dirty job, a kick-ass title, great lines, great music, comedy, what more can you ask for??? It's impossible to get every atmospheric scene and campy character out of my mind. It's one hell of a joy ride. A must see for serious horror buffs. Will you survive the Graveyard Shift?
14 of 21 people found this review helpful.
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I love this film to death. It's one of my childhood favorites. It's incredible how a film can constantly stay in your memory and ignite such excitement thinking back on it through the years as this one does. A solid horror film, one of the best ever made. It should be watched every year on Halloween to celebrate it. And every actor that was in it should be hunted down and hailed. This film is such a masterpiece, it has every ingredient possible to create a true and complete horror film: Extreme terror and gore, a creepy old mill and cemetery, a cool handsome hero, an evil ugly boss, a wacky exterminator, a small forbidden town, an unspeakable monster below, a dirty job, a kick-ass title, great lines, great music, comedy, what more can you ask for??? It's impossible to get every atmospheric scene and campy character out of my mind. It's one hell of a joy ride. A must see for serious horror buffs. Will you survive the Graveyard Shift?