DON PEYOTE tells the story Warren Allman, an unemployed stoner who finally finds a purpose in life after an unpleasant encounter with a homeless man preaching the end is near. Fueled by vivid apocalyptic dreams, Warren becomes obsessed with 2012 doomsday theories and decides to make a documentary on the subject while his fiance is busy planning their wedding. Written by
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Jim Morrisong
Music and lyrics by 2nd Rate. Dan Fogler & Law Tarello.
Performed by Dan Fogler and Law Tarello with Ed Myers and Corey Phillips.
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Dan Foglar. I enjoyed your film, but it made me sad.
Sometimes I am not sure if this movie is real or not. because if not. it might actually be what is real, and this is a figment of my imagination. But how would you know, my dreams are never remembered. But in my dreams I'm never remembered. Who is telling me the truth My eyes which swear with every bit of their worth that they tell trues. My Brain which sits on the fence because logic has gone. My heart which sides with whoever treats it kindest. My body which moans one moment but can feel the polar next. Or My mind who looks at the two paths and takes both simultaneously but only to realize when they both reach summation that it was only a thought, that the mind was sitting at the fork and had wasted 2 lives only to collapse from fear of the unknown.
It is a real invisible bridge of the last crusade?